In fact, the current system is not fair to the savers of the world. It punishes responsibility and rewards reckless behavior.
This is all tied to interest rates. Before we went off the gold standard, there was no market for speculators to speculate on interest rate changes. That market has grown into a huge beast since 1971. And this is one of the main problems with the current system.
In a pure gold money system (and I'm just speaking hypothetically here, I'm not proposing this system) no interest need be charged for lending, nor earned by saving. In a pure gold money system, deflation of prices is the normal state of things as the economy grows. So if I loan you an ounce of gold for one year, when you return it to me a year later it will be worth more in terms of real goods because the economy has grown while the money supply has remained relatively stable.
On the other hand, if you save an ounce of gold for 5 years, then when you go to spend it, it will buy you more than when you started saving. So saving is rewarded. No interest is needed.
In the fiat system interest is a must, because the dollar is constantly losing value. But part of the problem is that interest does not keep up with inflation. And in order find a way to make interest keep up with inflation, you must put the principle of your savings at risk of loss. This is happening right now. Many savers are not only failing to keep up with inflation, but they are actually losing their principle. This is a major flaw in this system.
On top of that, governments actually MANIPULATES the rate of interest lower than the market wants it. This punishes savers even more.
So with Freegold, we don't have to get rid of fiat currencies for use in trade. But we the people will do our saving in gold. And since the world's economy will still be run on fiat, inflation will still rule the day, not deflation like in a pure gold money system. So the price of gold will float freely against all currencies and provide the stability of savings without the counterparty risk of stocks or bonds. And it will also act as a barometer against governments that print in order to fund their activities. It will expose the credibility of each currency in the world.
So as a borrower, you will still borrow fiat at a rate of interest. And the banks will still print through fractional reserve lending. But as a saver, I will have the choice to save in either Freegold or in the system that pays me some interest, but at a risk. I will have to judge the two options and decide which benefits me the most.
So no, the gold supply does not need to increase. It can, it may, or it may not. Doesn't matter. The free market will set the price of gold relative to the paper currencies in the world. And the key word is Free. With the US dollar gone as the world reserve, replaced by either regional currencies, or by a currency which benefits from a high price of gold, the price of gold will no longer need to be controlled. In fact, it can't be controlled once the dollar reserve system is gone. And that system is crumbling today as I type.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Silver breaks $30, first time in 30 years. Sometimes the hype is right.
Dear Reader.
I've got a couple of things to say today. The first are a couple of quotes excerpted from today's 'Gold and Silver Daily', Ed Steer's newsletter. The whole of which can be found here
1. Here's a GATA release from yesterday afternoon that bears the headline "New law lets Treasury diminish gold, silver coin production". The story says that the "current law requires the Treasury department to mint gold and silver coins "in quantities sufficient to meet public demand."... but the new law would require the department to mint gold and silver coins "in quantities and qualities that the secretary determines are sufficient to meet public demand." It's soon to be a whole new ball game out there, dear reader... so buy as many gold and silver eagles as you can, because you can bet your last nickel that the day will come [soon] when they just won't be available in "quantities sufficient to meet demand". The link to the story is here.
2. As I've been mentioning lately, the silver price [and especially the silver equities] are starting to leave their golden brethren far behind. At $60 silver, one can only imagine what some of these silver stocks are going to be bid up to. As our grand poobah [Doug Casey] is wont to say from time to time... when this bull market really takes the bit between its teeth, it will be like trying to get the entire contents of Hoover Dam through a garden hose. We're starting to get a sniff of that now. But, we ain't seen nothin' yet... so hang on tight. It will be the ride of your life before this is all over... and one for the history books.
And the second is to let you know how I calculate what I call the 'Single Coin Street Price' for Silver Eagles - just so you'll understand the difference between spot price and purchase price.
Just know that even with the best dealer at the lowest premium it is still going to cost you (at the very least) 15% over spot and likely more, depending on your dealer. This additional cost covers three factors often overlooked when using spot price to gauge a good deal or not. These three factors are:
1. Since you always have to use a credit card to purchase small amounts, there's a credit card percentage of at least 2.75 percent, often more like 3%. I use 2.75 for my calculations.
2. There will always be shipping charges, often a minimum of $12.95, so it matters how much you buy. I add a per coin shipping charge of 65 cents - 1/20th of 12.95 (which is the charge for a tube weight).
3. And then there's the premium, which is the dealer's markup or profit margin, which is rarely less than $3/coin. So that's what I use.
So my calculation of 15% is the best possible scenario, a combination of the best possible circumstances. And it's what I or you MUST pay in order to obtain 1-50 coins. It's the basic cost of a coin.
Now add five percent to this 'basic cost' for my service of having done all the work and having the coin available for immediate purchase and sealed in an airtite plastic container, and the total 'over spot' percentage is very close to 20.
Soooo... I set my basic selling price for Bullion Silver Eagles at 20% over spot - with slightly lower rates according to increased quantity. It's not exact. I round up the spot price based on trend and expectation and knock down the overall total to the nearest buck or so for friendship sake.
So this is how I determine my 'single coin street price' and for small quantities (a few tubes or less) it is quite fair and saves you, the purchaser, the trouble of shopping around and waiting for delivery. A coin in the hand is worth two in cyberspace. The whole point is to make you a convenient deal for a one-stop, no hassle purchase of a coin or two for your spare change. Kids are especially welcome. Larger quantities get better deals of course. Ask about co-op purchases for the absolute best wholesale prices.
At the moment I have 5 coins for sale at $35 each. (Spot 30 plus 20% or $6 = $36).
Also, I have a sophisticated spreadsheet for tracking profit margins daily, weekly and monthly. Just call me with your quantity, cost and purchase date, and I'll send you a weekly or monthly report on the rise in value of your holding.
For example: When we first started doing this in July 2010, our purchase of a box (500) of eagles was $9,840 at spot 17.92. (Don't you wish you'd been there then? :) That investment today is conservatively worth $15,000 - a profit of $5,160. That is 53% increase in 152 days, or 21.75 weeks, or 5.1 months. 50% in 5 months? Isn't that close to 10% a month? For all the accounts I'm tracking, that average holds constant.
Now in all honesty, there are potentially more lucrative investments, Junior Miners for example. And for large money, after having bought a sufficiently substantial quantity of physical, this is the way to go. There are some very good advisors available to help you with that and I'm happy to steer you towards them. But for the moment, and in the beginning, we should focus on physical, because, as mentioned above, there will be a shortage sometime soon, and the prices are skyrocketing as we speak, and there's literally no end in sight.
So now, my friends. Now is the time, at any quantity, large or small, to get started or increase your holdings to your capacity. Sometimes the hype is right.
I've got a couple of things to say today. The first are a couple of quotes excerpted from today's 'Gold and Silver Daily', Ed Steer's newsletter. The whole of which can be found here
1. Here's a GATA release from yesterday afternoon that bears the headline "New law lets Treasury diminish gold, silver coin production". The story says that the "current law requires the Treasury department to mint gold and silver coins "in quantities sufficient to meet public demand."... but the new law would require the department to mint gold and silver coins "in quantities and qualities that the secretary determines are sufficient to meet public demand." It's soon to be a whole new ball game out there, dear reader... so buy as many gold and silver eagles as you can, because you can bet your last nickel that the day will come [soon] when they just won't be available in "quantities sufficient to meet demand". The link to the story is here.
2. As I've been mentioning lately, the silver price [and especially the silver equities] are starting to leave their golden brethren far behind. At $60 silver, one can only imagine what some of these silver stocks are going to be bid up to. As our grand poobah [Doug Casey] is wont to say from time to time... when this bull market really takes the bit between its teeth, it will be like trying to get the entire contents of Hoover Dam through a garden hose. We're starting to get a sniff of that now. But, we ain't seen nothin' yet... so hang on tight. It will be the ride of your life before this is all over... and one for the history books.
And the second is to let you know how I calculate what I call the 'Single Coin Street Price' for Silver Eagles - just so you'll understand the difference between spot price and purchase price.
Just know that even with the best dealer at the lowest premium it is still going to cost you (at the very least) 15% over spot and likely more, depending on your dealer. This additional cost covers three factors often overlooked when using spot price to gauge a good deal or not. These three factors are:
1. Since you always have to use a credit card to purchase small amounts, there's a credit card percentage of at least 2.75 percent, often more like 3%. I use 2.75 for my calculations.
2. There will always be shipping charges, often a minimum of $12.95, so it matters how much you buy. I add a per coin shipping charge of 65 cents - 1/20th of 12.95 (which is the charge for a tube weight).
3. And then there's the premium, which is the dealer's markup or profit margin, which is rarely less than $3/coin. So that's what I use.
So my calculation of 15% is the best possible scenario, a combination of the best possible circumstances. And it's what I or you MUST pay in order to obtain 1-50 coins. It's the basic cost of a coin.
Now add five percent to this 'basic cost' for my service of having done all the work and having the coin available for immediate purchase and sealed in an airtite plastic container, and the total 'over spot' percentage is very close to 20.
Soooo... I set my basic selling price for Bullion Silver Eagles at 20% over spot - with slightly lower rates according to increased quantity. It's not exact. I round up the spot price based on trend and expectation and knock down the overall total to the nearest buck or so for friendship sake.
So this is how I determine my 'single coin street price' and for small quantities (a few tubes or less) it is quite fair and saves you, the purchaser, the trouble of shopping around and waiting for delivery. A coin in the hand is worth two in cyberspace. The whole point is to make you a convenient deal for a one-stop, no hassle purchase of a coin or two for your spare change. Kids are especially welcome. Larger quantities get better deals of course. Ask about co-op purchases for the absolute best wholesale prices.
At the moment I have 5 coins for sale at $35 each. (Spot 30 plus 20% or $6 = $36).
Also, I have a sophisticated spreadsheet for tracking profit margins daily, weekly and monthly. Just call me with your quantity, cost and purchase date, and I'll send you a weekly or monthly report on the rise in value of your holding.
For example: When we first started doing this in July 2010, our purchase of a box (500) of eagles was $9,840 at spot 17.92. (Don't you wish you'd been there then? :) That investment today is conservatively worth $15,000 - a profit of $5,160. That is 53% increase in 152 days, or 21.75 weeks, or 5.1 months. 50% in 5 months? Isn't that close to 10% a month? For all the accounts I'm tracking, that average holds constant.
Now in all honesty, there are potentially more lucrative investments, Junior Miners for example. And for large money, after having bought a sufficiently substantial quantity of physical, this is the way to go. There are some very good advisors available to help you with that and I'm happy to steer you towards them. But for the moment, and in the beginning, we should focus on physical, because, as mentioned above, there will be a shortage sometime soon, and the prices are skyrocketing as we speak, and there's literally no end in sight.
So now, my friends. Now is the time, at any quantity, large or small, to get started or increase your holdings to your capacity. Sometimes the hype is right.
Monday, November 29, 2010
What's it all about?
Thus, the fight over gold and silver as media of exchange is about more than mere money, let alone making money. For it is a fight with only two possible outcomes: either control of their own lives by the people themselves, or control of the people and their lives by political and economic elitists. - Dr. Edwin Vieira
The U.S. Economy: Stand by for more worse news ~ Wayne Madsen
A top economic adviser to the Democratic Party, speaking on deep background, told WMR that the domino-like collapse of the economies of Iceland, Greece, Ireland, and, now, possibly Spain, is coming also to the United States.
One of the triggering mechanisms will be at the end of this month when two million idled workers, now collecting unemployment, will be dropped from the rolls. At the end of December, another two million workers will join the ranks of those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and a total of 4 million Americans will be without unemployment checks and face destitution.
Four million Americans will put financial pressure on municipalities and state governments already facing bankruptcy. Unlike Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and, to some extent, Spain, which have strong central government control, the United States is a federal republic and, as such, the collapse of the economy will be state-by-state and begin at the municipality level, according to our source who has contacts within the Obama White House and the Democratic leadership of the Congress.
Municipalities, which guarantee the pensions of their retired employees through the issuance of municipal bonds, will find themselves faced with bankruptcy and the "Muni" bonds will be rated at junk status. Municipalities unable to pay out pensions will discover their pension funds can be bailed out by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) in Washington, a federal corporation set up by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.When the first municipality declares bankruptcy and seeks a bailout from the PBGC, there will be a domino effect, with others seeing it as a quick way out. Soon, the PBGC will, itself, be forced into bankruptcy. WMR has been told by our source it is doubtful that a Republican Congress will be interested in bailing out the PBGC.
The wildfire of municipality bankruptcies will then spread to the states, with California and Illinois likely to be the first two states to default on their debts and declare bankruptcy.
In order to raise quick cash for a financially-desperate state government, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to sell 24 state buildings, including the Earl Warren Building in San Francisco, headquarters for the California Supreme Court, and then rent them back from the new owners. However, such desperate moves by states, including the selling off of their turnpike systems and state buildings — with parks maybe next on the auction block — is not enough to forestall bankruptcy. Unlike the federal government, which can print as much cash as it likes and needs, states do not have that luxury. However, given the imminent collapse of the national economy, some states may decide to print their own currency, an act that would lead to the dissolution of the present 50-state union.
As far as bank accounts are concerned, our source recommended avoiding large national and regional banks that have a high percentage of toxic assets, especially in the commercial real estate area. The next major bust, after the residential real estate plunge, will be commercial real estate, where values of buildings and shopping centers have been halved. Our source sees smaller, state-based banks, as safer for account holders. Also, as more and more large shopping malls begin to close across the country, the unemployment numbers will also skyrocket.
Another post:
Hungary is giving its citizens an ultimatum: move your private-pension fund assets to the state or lose your state pension. They want to use the money to reduce the budget deficit and public debt. Workers who opt against returning to the state system stand to lose 70 percent of their pension claim. This is effectively a nationalization of private pension funds. I've heard rumours on the Net to the effect that Obama was thinking out loud about the same thing some time back.
The U.S. Economy: Stand by for more worse news ~ Wayne Madsen
A top economic adviser to the Democratic Party, speaking on deep background, told WMR that the domino-like collapse of the economies of Iceland, Greece, Ireland, and, now, possibly Spain, is coming also to the United States.
One of the triggering mechanisms will be at the end of this month when two million idled workers, now collecting unemployment, will be dropped from the rolls. At the end of December, another two million workers will join the ranks of those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and a total of 4 million Americans will be without unemployment checks and face destitution.
Four million Americans will put financial pressure on municipalities and state governments already facing bankruptcy. Unlike Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and, to some extent, Spain, which have strong central government control, the United States is a federal republic and, as such, the collapse of the economy will be state-by-state and begin at the municipality level, according to our source who has contacts within the Obama White House and the Democratic leadership of the Congress.
Municipalities, which guarantee the pensions of their retired employees through the issuance of municipal bonds, will find themselves faced with bankruptcy and the "Muni" bonds will be rated at junk status. Municipalities unable to pay out pensions will discover their pension funds can be bailed out by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) in Washington, a federal corporation set up by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.When the first municipality declares bankruptcy and seeks a bailout from the PBGC, there will be a domino effect, with others seeing it as a quick way out. Soon, the PBGC will, itself, be forced into bankruptcy. WMR has been told by our source it is doubtful that a Republican Congress will be interested in bailing out the PBGC.
The wildfire of municipality bankruptcies will then spread to the states, with California and Illinois likely to be the first two states to default on their debts and declare bankruptcy.
In order to raise quick cash for a financially-desperate state government, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to sell 24 state buildings, including the Earl Warren Building in San Francisco, headquarters for the California Supreme Court, and then rent them back from the new owners. However, such desperate moves by states, including the selling off of their turnpike systems and state buildings — with parks maybe next on the auction block — is not enough to forestall bankruptcy. Unlike the federal government, which can print as much cash as it likes and needs, states do not have that luxury. However, given the imminent collapse of the national economy, some states may decide to print their own currency, an act that would lead to the dissolution of the present 50-state union.
As far as bank accounts are concerned, our source recommended avoiding large national and regional banks that have a high percentage of toxic assets, especially in the commercial real estate area. The next major bust, after the residential real estate plunge, will be commercial real estate, where values of buildings and shopping centers have been halved. Our source sees smaller, state-based banks, as safer for account holders. Also, as more and more large shopping malls begin to close across the country, the unemployment numbers will also skyrocket.
Another post:
Hungary is giving its citizens an ultimatum: move your private-pension fund assets to the state or lose your state pension. They want to use the money to reduce the budget deficit and public debt. Workers who opt against returning to the state system stand to lose 70 percent of their pension claim. This is effectively a nationalization of private pension funds. I've heard rumours on the Net to the effect that Obama was thinking out loud about the same thing some time back.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Want the whole story?
For an extensive and interestingly written history of Gold, money and Oil, please go to http://www.usagold.com/halloffame.html
Knowledge is power, and with it your destiny shall be yours to decide.
"...It should be obvious by the nature of our topic (money) that our conversation is focused on tomorrow, in addition to today. Were we to be truly concerned about today only, we would instead discuss whether our needs of food, clothing, and shelter had been adequately met, we would not speak of money. To speak of money is to speak of today's confidence in our ability of meeting tomorrow's needs." - Aragon III
Buy physical gold to hold. In the time to come, this money in the hand will outperform any investment you have ever known. Few today accept just how high physical gold will rise. Be a part of the "physical gold advocates" and tell a story your grandchildren will grow tired from hearing! (large smile)
Thank You for reading.
Knowledge is power, and with it your destiny shall be yours to decide.
"...It should be obvious by the nature of our topic (money) that our conversation is focused on tomorrow, in addition to today. Were we to be truly concerned about today only, we would instead discuss whether our needs of food, clothing, and shelter had been adequately met, we would not speak of money. To speak of money is to speak of today's confidence in our ability of meeting tomorrow's needs." - Aragon III
Buy physical gold to hold. In the time to come, this money in the hand will outperform any investment you have ever known. Few today accept just how high physical gold will rise. Be a part of the "physical gold advocates" and tell a story your grandchildren will grow tired from hearing! (large smile)
Thank You for reading.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Silver at $23 within hours!?
Dear reader, Silver at $23 within hours!? Let’s wait and see. But…
Checking the charts I noticed that on Aug 24, my birthday, silver broke loose from its $18/oz. restraint and shot straight up from 17.80 to 19.10 in two days. From that point it rarely dropped but steadily increased in value (vis-à-vis the dollar) to its present point at 22, from which it is destined to rise even further with no end in sight. This move, besides being of historical significance, represents a gain of four dollars in five weeks. $18 spot to $22 spot from 8/24 to 9/30. That is nearly a dollar a week. And the more recent climb suggests the possibility of an increase in the rate of rise, so a dollar a week is far from impossible, especially if it jumps to $23 within hours as James Turk is predicting. A dollar a week! Anybody got a grand to loan me?
Also, APMEX sent me this bulletin:
"The U.S. Mint announced today that it is significantly raising the premium on all Silver American Eagle coins. Obviously, every dealer will have to increase their premiums on Silver American Eagle coins. This breaking news comes on the heels of silver reaching a new 30-year record high over the past week. If you already own Silver American Eagles, the value of your coins has steadily increased. The chart on the right displays the correlation between the Spot Price of Silver and the S&P Index, from January 2000 to the present. This chart clearly shows that over the last 10 years your money was better invested in Silver by a better than a 4:1 ratio."
The full story is here: US Mint Announces 33% Price Increase on Silver American Eagle Premiums!
“The United States Mint has officially raised their wholesale pricing above spot on American Silver Ea-gles to all authorized dealers from $1.50 to $2.00, an increase of a whopping 33%. This news comes on the heels of a significant silver spot price rally over the last month to a new thirty year record over $22 per ounce. The impact of this news is significant and has already affected dealer pricing across the country within hours, as prices on Silver American Eagles have jumped over $0.50/oz industry wide.”
Headlines from Ed Steer’s Gold and Silver Daily: Welcome to the Mania - "James Turk sees silver at $23 and gold at $1,335 within hours! U.S. Mint increases premiums on silver eagles by 33%. Ireland nationalizes its second largest bank. Iran's gold traders go on strike... and much more.” This one is a blockbuster! Every article jam packed Read it here:
The title “Welcome to the Mania” refers to the third stage of a bull market: the first being suspicion and prediction, the second being special attention, the third being general mania (the cat’s out of the bag), and the fourth is a leveling at a new plateau. So the rush is on. A GREAT article. Read it here.
It doesn’t mean it’s too late to buy, just that you’ll be getting increasingly less for your money the longer you wait. Do NOT expect or wait for dips. That strategy is for players who are gambling with their money. The strategy for Savers is to buy whatever you can as soon as you can and KEEP it. The sooner you sink your greenbacks into the physical possession of silver the safer they will be.
And now on with the news.
Checking the charts I noticed that on Aug 24, my birthday, silver broke loose from its $18/oz. restraint and shot straight up from 17.80 to 19.10 in two days. From that point it rarely dropped but steadily increased in value (vis-à-vis the dollar) to its present point at 22, from which it is destined to rise even further with no end in sight. This move, besides being of historical significance, represents a gain of four dollars in five weeks. $18 spot to $22 spot from 8/24 to 9/30. That is nearly a dollar a week. And the more recent climb suggests the possibility of an increase in the rate of rise, so a dollar a week is far from impossible, especially if it jumps to $23 within hours as James Turk is predicting. A dollar a week! Anybody got a grand to loan me?
Also, APMEX sent me this bulletin:

The full story is here: US Mint Announces 33% Price Increase on Silver American Eagle Premiums!
“The United States Mint has officially raised their wholesale pricing above spot on American Silver Ea-gles to all authorized dealers from $1.50 to $2.00, an increase of a whopping 33%. This news comes on the heels of a significant silver spot price rally over the last month to a new thirty year record over $22 per ounce. The impact of this news is significant and has already affected dealer pricing across the country within hours, as prices on Silver American Eagles have jumped over $0.50/oz industry wide.”
Headlines from Ed Steer’s Gold and Silver Daily: Welcome to the Mania - "James Turk sees silver at $23 and gold at $1,335 within hours! U.S. Mint increases premiums on silver eagles by 33%. Ireland nationalizes its second largest bank. Iran's gold traders go on strike... and much more.” This one is a blockbuster! Every article jam packed Read it here:
The title “Welcome to the Mania” refers to the third stage of a bull market: the first being suspicion and prediction, the second being special attention, the third being general mania (the cat’s out of the bag), and the fourth is a leveling at a new plateau. So the rush is on. A GREAT article. Read it here.
It doesn’t mean it’s too late to buy, just that you’ll be getting increasingly less for your money the longer you wait. Do NOT expect or wait for dips. That strategy is for players who are gambling with their money. The strategy for Savers is to buy whatever you can as soon as you can and KEEP it. The sooner you sink your greenbacks into the physical possession of silver the safer they will be.
And now on with the news.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday late night - what a ride!
Monday late night - what a ride!
Two things of interest today...
Casey's Daily dispatch - Welcome to the Mania
And a new discovery that I'm calling the "Committed Argument". Expected Returns -Now this one is really worth reading from top to bottom because it explains in layman's terms exactly what's happening and exactly what you should be doing. It starts with his latest article called "Smart Money "and moves into "Riding Bull Markets: The Difference Between Pros and Speculators", and goes on from there. Very easy reading and informative in the extreme.
Be sure to review the Top Five daily. These are: GATA, FOFOA, The Golden Truth, King World News and Ed Steer's G&S Daily.
All linked on the left at Silvernews. There is a wealth of current information to be had from these sources.
love you all.
Please buy silver regularly in any small amounts at Gainesville Coins,
Hold on and don't let go. Large amounts call me. Call me if you need to talk about it. 618-698-8001
Two things of interest today...
Casey's Daily dispatch - Welcome to the Mania
And a new discovery that I'm calling the "Committed Argument". Expected Returns -Now this one is really worth reading from top to bottom because it explains in layman's terms exactly what's happening and exactly what you should be doing. It starts with his latest article called "Smart Money "and moves into "Riding Bull Markets: The Difference Between Pros and Speculators", and goes on from there. Very easy reading and informative in the extreme.
Be sure to review the Top Five daily. These are: GATA, FOFOA, The Golden Truth, King World News and Ed Steer's G&S Daily.
All linked on the left at Silvernews. There is a wealth of current information to be had from these sources.
love you all.
Please buy silver regularly in any small amounts at Gainesville Coins,
Hold on and don't let go. Large amounts call me. Call me if you need to talk about it. 618-698-8001
Friday, September 24, 2010
So that's it, folks.
I started this blog less than 2 months ago, (July 30), the purpose being to educate myself (and hopefully you) and chronicle an important time in American history and research the events that led up to it - the rise of silver (and gold, but that was a given), from semi-obscurity, known only to a few truth-tellers but for a very long time, and to learn for myself what was really going on behind the scenes of this not very popular but seminally important subject. At that time a 'monster box' (500 American Eagle Silver troy ounces) was to be had for $9.8K. Now it's nearly 11.8 and rising. From 10K to 12K in two months? You do the math! Does that explain it all?
Last week James Turk said $21 silver should be the trigger price for a price explosion; and Eric Sprott bought 6 tons of gold for his Physical Trust. As you've certainly noticed, it busted $21 and is on the rise (in spite of the attempts of the big guys to keep shooting it down, they've simply run out of bullets).
This week he talks about silver reaching $30 within the next few weeks... and warns precious metals investors not to trade themselves out of their positions. Instead he urges steady accumulation for the long term as a form of savings in sound money. The link to this must listen interview is here.
So mission accomplished. The whole history is linked here on these pages. Silver and gold are launched as they were predicted to be. There's nowhere now to go but up, and you do not need my help buying. If you want to know the very best sources just give me a call.
Other than the decline and fall of the American economy - who gets blamed, who gets caught and who gets away - there's not much more to tell. I hope you all got in on the beginning and will manifest abundance in hard times as a result. And if not, the end is nowhere in sight. It's by no means too late. Buy it now. It's destined to double triple, quadruple and even quintuple in a relatively very short time period. It's just the nature of failed corruption.
Subscribe to Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Daily and the Casey Report, and any of the many other great commentators listed on the blog. It's all here! If you like the really heady stuff you gotta read FOFOA and learn about Austrian Economics. There's so much more, but only if you're interested.
Thanks for your indulgence.
I started this blog less than 2 months ago, (July 30), the purpose being to educate myself (and hopefully you) and chronicle an important time in American history and research the events that led up to it - the rise of silver (and gold, but that was a given), from semi-obscurity, known only to a few truth-tellers but for a very long time, and to learn for myself what was really going on behind the scenes of this not very popular but seminally important subject. At that time a 'monster box' (500 American Eagle Silver troy ounces) was to be had for $9.8K. Now it's nearly 11.8 and rising. From 10K to 12K in two months? You do the math! Does that explain it all?
Last week James Turk said $21 silver should be the trigger price for a price explosion; and Eric Sprott bought 6 tons of gold for his Physical Trust. As you've certainly noticed, it busted $21 and is on the rise (in spite of the attempts of the big guys to keep shooting it down, they've simply run out of bullets).
This week he talks about silver reaching $30 within the next few weeks... and warns precious metals investors not to trade themselves out of their positions. Instead he urges steady accumulation for the long term as a form of savings in sound money. The link to this must listen interview is here.
So mission accomplished. The whole history is linked here on these pages. Silver and gold are launched as they were predicted to be. There's nowhere now to go but up, and you do not need my help buying. If you want to know the very best sources just give me a call.
Other than the decline and fall of the American economy - who gets blamed, who gets caught and who gets away - there's not much more to tell. I hope you all got in on the beginning and will manifest abundance in hard times as a result. And if not, the end is nowhere in sight. It's by no means too late. Buy it now. It's destined to double triple, quadruple and even quintuple in a relatively very short time period. It's just the nature of failed corruption.
Subscribe to Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Daily and the Casey Report, and any of the many other great commentators listed on the blog. It's all here! If you like the really heady stuff you gotta read FOFOA and learn about Austrian Economics. There's so much more, but only if you're interested.
Thanks for your indulgence.
Friday, September 17, 2010
$21 might do it - JT
Good Friday AM Dear Reader,
From Ed Steer’s Daily, these headlines:
James Turk says $21 silver should be the trigger price for a price explosion. Sprott buys 6 tons of gold.
James Turk (KWN)- “Here We Go Again”
Gold is at new record highs in European trading and silver is attempting a move towards $21. In an in-terview with King World News from Spain, James Turk stated, “While gold is moving higher, I am really focused on the $21 level in silver...”
Sprott buys 6 tons of gold.
And why should you care, you might ask? Sprott Physical Trust is one of the most respected of the “new” trusts. Not only is its founder respected but the principle upon which he founded this trust is considered to be the only truly sound principle for PM trusts in general. It requires a little study, but that’s the gist of it. That’s why Sprott is worth watching.
Also from a King World News (KWN) Interview…
Richard Russell, September 2010 “What we see here is one of the greatest, least loved, and least recognized primary bull markets in his-tory…. This great gold bull market is something that one sees maybe once or twice in a lifetime.”
And from Roger Mason’s Monthly Rant:
G/S ratio dropped from 65 to 61 - heading to 30 and then 15
“The gold to silver ratio has fallen from 65 to 1 all the way to 61 to 1 in less than a month. This will fall to the traditional 15 to 1 ratio. This is why silver is four times better than gold. Buy silver, not gold. Look for possibly $6,000 gold and $400 silver….
“We are going to have to sell our silver stocks because the best ones are in Mexico. You cannot invest in Central of South American countries like Peru and Chile. Mexico is bankrupt and under the control of the drug cartels. They are almost out of oil which is their biggest source of income. The peso will collapse. Tourism is dead. If drugs were legalized the cartels would disappear overnight and they could get their country back. This is why we are going to have to sell our silver stocks when the HUI to silver ratio improves to about 30 to 1. You can sell your silver stocks today if you want and buy bullion, but you'll be selling at a loss….
“The Mexicans are considering full drug legalization to get their country back. Former president Vincente Fox is all for it. Current president Felipe Calderon wants to, but is afraid of the political backlash. Billionaire Ricado Pliego, who owns the media down there, is firmly behind it. Another former president Ernesto Zedillo is behind this, and says the drug laws don't work. Simply legalizing all drugs (yes, cocaine and heroin) for adults would put an end to the cartels worldwide, the gangs, the violence, the murders, and the anarchy overnight. Drug use would not increase, as everyone who wants to use drugs is already using them. They are just paying more for them….
“See you in October. Buy all the silver you can. When is the best time to buy silver? WHEN YOU HAVE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, that's when.”
If the idea of learning about all this piques your interest, visit my website. It might be a good place to start.
From Ed Steer’s Daily, these headlines:
James Turk says $21 silver should be the trigger price for a price explosion. Sprott buys 6 tons of gold.
James Turk (KWN)- “Here We Go Again”
Gold is at new record highs in European trading and silver is attempting a move towards $21. In an in-terview with King World News from Spain, James Turk stated, “While gold is moving higher, I am really focused on the $21 level in silver...”
Sprott buys 6 tons of gold.
And why should you care, you might ask? Sprott Physical Trust is one of the most respected of the “new” trusts. Not only is its founder respected but the principle upon which he founded this trust is considered to be the only truly sound principle for PM trusts in general. It requires a little study, but that’s the gist of it. That’s why Sprott is worth watching.
Also from a King World News (KWN) Interview…
Richard Russell, September 2010 “What we see here is one of the greatest, least loved, and least recognized primary bull markets in his-tory…. This great gold bull market is something that one sees maybe once or twice in a lifetime.”
And from Roger Mason’s Monthly Rant:
G/S ratio dropped from 65 to 61 - heading to 30 and then 15
“The gold to silver ratio has fallen from 65 to 1 all the way to 61 to 1 in less than a month. This will fall to the traditional 15 to 1 ratio. This is why silver is four times better than gold. Buy silver, not gold. Look for possibly $6,000 gold and $400 silver….
“We are going to have to sell our silver stocks because the best ones are in Mexico. You cannot invest in Central of South American countries like Peru and Chile. Mexico is bankrupt and under the control of the drug cartels. They are almost out of oil which is their biggest source of income. The peso will collapse. Tourism is dead. If drugs were legalized the cartels would disappear overnight and they could get their country back. This is why we are going to have to sell our silver stocks when the HUI to silver ratio improves to about 30 to 1. You can sell your silver stocks today if you want and buy bullion, but you'll be selling at a loss….
“The Mexicans are considering full drug legalization to get their country back. Former president Vincente Fox is all for it. Current president Felipe Calderon wants to, but is afraid of the political backlash. Billionaire Ricado Pliego, who owns the media down there, is firmly behind it. Another former president Ernesto Zedillo is behind this, and says the drug laws don't work. Simply legalizing all drugs (yes, cocaine and heroin) for adults would put an end to the cartels worldwide, the gangs, the violence, the murders, and the anarchy overnight. Drug use would not increase, as everyone who wants to use drugs is already using them. They are just paying more for them….
“See you in October. Buy all the silver you can. When is the best time to buy silver? WHEN YOU HAVE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, that's when.”
If the idea of learning about all this piques your interest, visit my website. It might be a good place to start.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
To My Local Community
Silver Coins in Small Quantities
In order to allow kids and low budget buyers to obtain silver coins in small quantities from time to time, I will sell 1 oz. Silver coins at roughly $5.00 (0r 25%) over spot. At the moment this amounts to $25.00 per coin.
This is a very good deal considering that to purchase small amounts (single coins) is both time consum-ing and expensive. Since I buy in (small) bulk, I can pass the savings and save you the work.
This price comprises seller’s premium (av. $3), S&H ($1 per coin) with a $1 margin. The same coins are selling on E-bay for approx. $3.00 premium plus shipping which is often as much as $4 but sometimes a little less.
For larger quantities (more than 10) give me a call.
The value of these coins is in the process of increasing exponentially.
On June 14, a box of 500 coins cost $9,840.
On August 6, it was $10,135,
On Sept. 14, $1,1130.
Do you see the pattern? That’s roughly $1,300 (13%) in three months. And it’s only beginning.
So in my desire to spread the wealth, I’m offering to the local community coins in small quantities at a good price (and co-op buying). Any time you have some money you’d like to save and watch grow, just let me know.
In order to allow kids and low budget buyers to obtain silver coins in small quantities from time to time, I will sell 1 oz. Silver coins at roughly $5.00 (0r 25%) over spot. At the moment this amounts to $25.00 per coin.
This is a very good deal considering that to purchase small amounts (single coins) is both time consum-ing and expensive. Since I buy in (small) bulk, I can pass the savings and save you the work.
This price comprises seller’s premium (av. $3), S&H ($1 per coin) with a $1 margin. The same coins are selling on E-bay for approx. $3.00 premium plus shipping which is often as much as $4 but sometimes a little less.
For larger quantities (more than 10) give me a call.
The value of these coins is in the process of increasing exponentially.
On June 14, a box of 500 coins cost $9,840.
On August 6, it was $10,135,
On Sept. 14, $1,1130.
Do you see the pattern? That’s roughly $1,300 (13%) in three months. And it’s only beginning.
So in my desire to spread the wealth, I’m offering to the local community coins in small quantities at a good price (and co-op buying). Any time you have some money you’d like to save and watch grow, just let me know.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Now, Now, Now! - Part 3
SILVER BREAKS $20 "I am going to drill it into all your heads for the 100th time. Gold is going to erupt and expose most "professionals" as clueless. We are seeing a collapse in public confidence that will not be resolved until gold goes to much higher levels. These are times of serious change. Those who ignore what is happening in plain sight will regret it."
This from Dave in Denver explains the sharp jump up this morning in G&S. http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny (time sensitive: monday, 9/13/2010)
The U.S. Dollar Is In Trouble
“Gradually the dollar is being eliminated from the foreign-trade settlement flows,” said Dariusz Kowalczyk, a Hong-Kong based senior economist at Credit Agricole CIB. “People are beginning to trade Asian currencies without intermediation via the dollar.”
In the words of one analyst: “Given the risk to the dollar and U.S. assets from their fiscal position they want to reduce their dependence on the dollar as an invoicing currency...” Here's the link to the article: Dollar R.I.P.?
The weak dollar may be supporting the surprising strength in the precious metals market, especially among big foreign buyers, who are vacuuming up physical gold and silver right now. In one of his daily "quickie" reports which can be accessed in the Midas report at http://www.lemetropolecafe.com/, "JB" reports: "India is booming and the “wealth effect” for the world's largest gold buyer cannot be ignored."
My best advice would be to start unloading your bond portfolio holdings before the dollar really starts to flush down the toilet and use the proceeds to buy a lot more physical gold and silver. I would like to point out that premiums for 1 oz. silver eagles on Ebay are back over $3/oz. This is indicative of strong retail demand and waning supply.
Be sure to check the News Sources on the left. 'Before it's News and GATA have interesting articles.
This from Dave in Denver explains the sharp jump up this morning in G&S. http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny (time sensitive: monday, 9/13/2010)
The U.S. Dollar Is In Trouble
“Gradually the dollar is being eliminated from the foreign-trade settlement flows,” said Dariusz Kowalczyk, a Hong-Kong based senior economist at Credit Agricole CIB. “People are beginning to trade Asian currencies without intermediation via the dollar.”
In the words of one analyst: “Given the risk to the dollar and U.S. assets from their fiscal position they want to reduce their dependence on the dollar as an invoicing currency...” Here's the link to the article: Dollar R.I.P.?
The weak dollar may be supporting the surprising strength in the precious metals market, especially among big foreign buyers, who are vacuuming up physical gold and silver right now. In one of his daily "quickie" reports which can be accessed in the Midas report at http://www.lemetropolecafe.com/, "JB" reports: "India is booming and the “wealth effect” for the world's largest gold buyer cannot be ignored."
My best advice would be to start unloading your bond portfolio holdings before the dollar really starts to flush down the toilet and use the proceeds to buy a lot more physical gold and silver. I would like to point out that premiums for 1 oz. silver eagles on Ebay are back over $3/oz. This is indicative of strong retail demand and waning supply.
Be sure to check the News Sources on the left. 'Before it's News and GATA have interesting articles.
Friday, September 10, 2010
NOW! Like never Before - Part 2
Alright brothers and sisters
I did NOT want to do this but…
It’s just TOO JUICY. So here goes
First, a cool cut from the grateful dead wrapped in a very juicy silver prediction.
Dave from Denver says, “the silver market is about to give JPMorgan a nitroglycerine enema.”
Check Kitco here! http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny
Do you see? Yesterday it cracked $20 once and today, three or four times before being beaten back down by “da boyz”. They cannot keep it up. That’s why Dave is predicting “Silver is getting ready to do a moonshot.” With the Dead in the background, of course. Whatta guy.
So! I continue to browse and this is what clinches another letter today. You gotta read this one. It is a very cleverly written article posted on Activist Post that is certainly worthy of your attention. I give you the intro by Rick Ackerman: Called “Doomsdayers are not cynical enough”.
[Like your editor, Rick’s Picks forum regular Wayne Razzi (aka “Red Will”) is a veteran floor-trader who grew up in South Jersey. When I asked him if he would like to contribute a guest commentary, I was not expecting the provocative tour de force that unfolds, step by step, below. In the essay, Will asserts nothing less that that the impending collapse of our economic system was meticulously engineered by financial and political sociopaths. Let me attest that his is not some whack-o conspiracy theory; rather, it is the closely-reasoned argument of a highly intelligent person who values truth sufficiently to have searched for it, in the form of an answer to a profoundly disturbing question, for many years. Judge for yourself whether his conclusions tally with your own thoughts as to why the American Dream is about to go bust. RA]
It starts here. http://www.activistpost.com/2010/09/doomsdayers-are-not-cynical-enough.html#more
The full article is here.
There! That should be enough to light a fire under your butt.
Now figure this. If Silver is - for the very brief moment - spot $20, and purchasing premium is $2.50 (approx.) and shipping is $1, we’re looking at a silver cost to you of $23.50 and RISING! So let’s say street value for the moment is $25 a coin. That's what I'll sell singles and very small quantities for.
Whereas a month ago I could get a mint-sealed box of 500 coins for less that $10,000, Now it’s costing Eleven! And as you’ve noticed, the practical people are saying there’s no end in sight. Now supposing silver at $20-25 doubles, oh, say conservatively, in a year (but more likely in four to six months – is it not better to buy it now than then? Anyone got 11K to loan me for a year? Name your price. I’m serious. I need to get rich, even if you don’t. And yes, I know the best places to buy… Call now.
I did NOT want to do this but…
It’s just TOO JUICY. So here goes
First, a cool cut from the grateful dead wrapped in a very juicy silver prediction.
Dave from Denver says, “the silver market is about to give JPMorgan a nitroglycerine enema.”
Check Kitco here! http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny
Do you see? Yesterday it cracked $20 once and today, three or four times before being beaten back down by “da boyz”. They cannot keep it up. That’s why Dave is predicting “Silver is getting ready to do a moonshot.” With the Dead in the background, of course. Whatta guy.
So! I continue to browse and this is what clinches another letter today. You gotta read this one. It is a very cleverly written article posted on Activist Post that is certainly worthy of your attention. I give you the intro by Rick Ackerman: Called “Doomsdayers are not cynical enough”.
[Like your editor, Rick’s Picks forum regular Wayne Razzi (aka “Red Will”) is a veteran floor-trader who grew up in South Jersey. When I asked him if he would like to contribute a guest commentary, I was not expecting the provocative tour de force that unfolds, step by step, below. In the essay, Will asserts nothing less that that the impending collapse of our economic system was meticulously engineered by financial and political sociopaths. Let me attest that his is not some whack-o conspiracy theory; rather, it is the closely-reasoned argument of a highly intelligent person who values truth sufficiently to have searched for it, in the form of an answer to a profoundly disturbing question, for many years. Judge for yourself whether his conclusions tally with your own thoughts as to why the American Dream is about to go bust. RA]
It starts here. http://www.activistpost.com/2010/09/doomsdayers-are-not-cynical-enough.html#more
The full article is here.
There! That should be enough to light a fire under your butt.
Now figure this. If Silver is - for the very brief moment - spot $20, and purchasing premium is $2.50 (approx.) and shipping is $1, we’re looking at a silver cost to you of $23.50 and RISING! So let’s say street value for the moment is $25 a coin. That's what I'll sell singles and very small quantities for.
Whereas a month ago I could get a mint-sealed box of 500 coins for less that $10,000, Now it’s costing Eleven! And as you’ve noticed, the practical people are saying there’s no end in sight. Now supposing silver at $20-25 doubles, oh, say conservatively, in a year (but more likely in four to six months – is it not better to buy it now than then? Anyone got 11K to loan me for a year? Name your price. I’m serious. I need to get rich, even if you don’t. And yes, I know the best places to buy… Call now.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
NOW! Like Never Before
Silver is busting over $20 spot and here are a few corroborating articles.
Jim Sinclair – Strapping in for the big move
He expects gold to reach $1,650 by January 14, 2011 -- barely three months away.
James Turk – Explosion Imminent in Gold and Silver
The Grandich Letter: Gold and Silver Alert - The Final Battle
Ed Steer’s Daily
From which I must quote one… He says (and I quote):
“Lastly today is another commentary posted over at King World News that Eric slid into my in-box in the wee hours of this morning. He states that "Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital put together this piece exclusively for the KWN blog which gives an outstanding synopsis of both the forty-one page slideshow presentation and his twenty-three page speech. It discusses US government suppression of the gold price and the unsustainable debt of the US and UK. It gives some staggering potential price figures for gold. The staggering prices that Davies gives are in line with what Jim Rickards was mentioning in his two interviews and blog that I posted yesterday. The Ben Davies commentary, headlined "Gold Wars - A Golden Renaissance", is a must read as well... and the link is here.”
That’s enough. Act now!
Jim Sinclair – Strapping in for the big move
He expects gold to reach $1,650 by January 14, 2011 -- barely three months away.
James Turk – Explosion Imminent in Gold and Silver
The Grandich Letter: Gold and Silver Alert - The Final Battle
Ed Steer’s Daily
From which I must quote one… He says (and I quote):
“Lastly today is another commentary posted over at King World News that Eric slid into my in-box in the wee hours of this morning. He states that "Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital put together this piece exclusively for the KWN blog which gives an outstanding synopsis of both the forty-one page slideshow presentation and his twenty-three page speech. It discusses US government suppression of the gold price and the unsustainable debt of the US and UK. It gives some staggering potential price figures for gold. The staggering prices that Davies gives are in line with what Jim Rickards was mentioning in his two interviews and blog that I posted yesterday. The Ben Davies commentary, headlined "Gold Wars - A Golden Renaissance", is a must read as well... and the link is here.”
That’s enough. Act now!
Monday, September 06, 2010
Total Depression
You might wonder, dear reader, why I've not posted in the last few days. And it's simply that there is absolutely NO GOOD NEWS AT ALL! Gold and Silver prices have begun their inevitable and long expected rise to the top. Say goodbye to $17.50 and hello to $21.00 and more. Still good to buy, cause this is only the beginning. But just take a look at Activist Post Videos if you wanna know what's happening and how we got this way. The best news is that some 35 and rising state governments are insisting on their Constitutional rights and that is probably our only real hope. The newest video on this resurgencee of Constitutional Statehood is 'Don't Tread on ME' to be found here. It's a VERY important new documentary on how significant people in state government are waging a potentially successful battle against the tyranny of the Fed.
I've said all I have to say about this phase of our education. It took me a little more that a month to build this blog. Call me foolish, but I'm old enough to remember when times were really good and it meant something to be an American.
Watch the video. Seems to me like it's our only hope.
Signing off for now.
I've said all I have to say about this phase of our education. It took me a little more that a month to build this blog. Call me foolish, but I'm old enough to remember when times were really good and it meant something to be an American.
Watch the video. Seems to me like it's our only hope.
Signing off for now.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
A Serious Warning For You Pro's
Here’s a serious warning for you professionals. From The New American, Bob Aldeman writes:
Obama Needs Your 401(k) to Balance His Budget
Roger Mason’s Monthly Economic Rant paints the picture in unambiguous terms. http://www.economicrant.com/current-article.php
I’m discovering that The Daily Bell is far more than an ordinary daily rag on current events. For example, read this one:
Bank Run 2011?
and this one:
Mises Shakes the World
Both of the above were sent to me in their daily newsletter, a great Free-Market commentary on media presentation of current events.
And what, you might ask, does “Free-Market” mean? They have it all explained in the ‘resources’ section.
"Free market thinking deals with the social arrangements that arise in the absence of coercion by means of violence or the threat of violence." >>>
"The ethical touchstone of free market thinking is consent."
I like that, and, it makes sense.
Alright. So more about what I'm learning here (and 'trying' to pass on).
There are some influences afoot that I had not suspected and am only beginning to discover. So I’m no expert on this subject, but I believe I’ve discovered the people who are, and it's way different from what I might have imagined.
Where to begin…
Well, with this:
“… we think the Austrian economic movement is one of the longest-lived and most important intellectual and ideological conversations in history. And whatever misrepresents it is of similar import, especially if it represents a larger trend.” ~ The Daily Bell
I would argue that this article, as esoteric as it may seem to a neophyte, is a key place to begin in the unraveling of the mystery of Austrian Economics and its significant role in the future of mankind in the era of the falling empire. The article refers to an earlier DB (Daily Bell) commentary on an article in WSJ (Wall Street Journal) stating that “Peter J. Boettke of George Mason University is the emerging standard bearer for a revived Austrian school of economics.” … etc.
And the DB commentary is here. This is where the fun (and self-education in Austrian Economics) begins…
The sequel is here:
and the latest (9-2-10) is here:
Starting with this and following the links and learning about the people behind the names is the adventure of Austrian Economics – a force that is changing the world, one person at a time.
So, the places I’m focusing on now in my unending quest for knowledge are:
The Daily Bell, with all its links and archives – http://thedailybell.com
Lew Rockwell is the co-founder, with Murray Rothbard, of the Ludwig von Mises Institute of Austrian Economics;
and The Ludwig von Mises Institute of Austrian Economics; http://mises.org/
These may seem at first glance to be horribly obscure and possibly insignificant, but I assure you, dear reader, that they are not that, but the roots of understanding how a true “free market” economy works. And like all things good, their absence leaves only ignorance and speculation leading to misunderstanding and corruption based on short-sighted greed.
Oh. And did I mention that this is fundamental economic philosophy followed and espoused by Congressman Ron Paul?
PS: Dig This!
Intellectual Self-Defense for Libertarians by Lila Rajiva
Obama Needs Your 401(k) to Balance His Budget
Roger Mason’s Monthly Economic Rant paints the picture in unambiguous terms. http://www.economicrant.com/current-article.php
I’m discovering that The Daily Bell is far more than an ordinary daily rag on current events. For example, read this one:
Bank Run 2011?
and this one:
Mises Shakes the World
Both of the above were sent to me in their daily newsletter, a great Free-Market commentary on media presentation of current events.
And what, you might ask, does “Free-Market” mean? They have it all explained in the ‘resources’ section.
"Free market thinking deals with the social arrangements that arise in the absence of coercion by means of violence or the threat of violence." >>>
"The ethical touchstone of free market thinking is consent."
I like that, and, it makes sense.
Alright. So more about what I'm learning here (and 'trying' to pass on).
There are some influences afoot that I had not suspected and am only beginning to discover. So I’m no expert on this subject, but I believe I’ve discovered the people who are, and it's way different from what I might have imagined.
Where to begin…
Well, with this:
“… we think the Austrian economic movement is one of the longest-lived and most important intellectual and ideological conversations in history. And whatever misrepresents it is of similar import, especially if it represents a larger trend.” ~ The Daily Bell
I would argue that this article, as esoteric as it may seem to a neophyte, is a key place to begin in the unraveling of the mystery of Austrian Economics and its significant role in the future of mankind in the era of the falling empire. The article refers to an earlier DB (Daily Bell) commentary on an article in WSJ (Wall Street Journal) stating that “Peter J. Boettke of George Mason University is the emerging standard bearer for a revived Austrian school of economics.” … etc.
And the DB commentary is here. This is where the fun (and self-education in Austrian Economics) begins…
The sequel is here:
and the latest (9-2-10) is here:
Starting with this and following the links and learning about the people behind the names is the adventure of Austrian Economics – a force that is changing the world, one person at a time.
So, the places I’m focusing on now in my unending quest for knowledge are:
The Daily Bell, with all its links and archives – http://thedailybell.com
Lew Rockwell is the co-founder, with Murray Rothbard, of the Ludwig von Mises Institute of Austrian Economics;
and The Ludwig von Mises Institute of Austrian Economics; http://mises.org/
These may seem at first glance to be horribly obscure and possibly insignificant, but I assure you, dear reader, that they are not that, but the roots of understanding how a true “free market” economy works. And like all things good, their absence leaves only ignorance and speculation leading to misunderstanding and corruption based on short-sighted greed.
Oh. And did I mention that this is fundamental economic philosophy followed and espoused by Congressman Ron Paul?
PS: Dig This!
Intellectual Self-Defense for Libertarians by Lila Rajiva
Monday, August 30, 2010
August 30, 2010; Monday 2 pm
Quote for the day:
"So just remember one thing. Silver prices can double overnight, at anytime, and it's totally impossible to predict when it will happen. And yet, at some unexpected day out of the blue, silver prices will likely double, and nobody will understand why, except me, and you. Because we know that the silver market is just way too small, and prices just way too low." ~ Jason Hommel
Thought I’d let it go for a while, but over Saturday, Sunday and Monday I discovered these, and they’re worthy of your attention, Dear Reader.
On Youtube, a very short and concise explanation of what is happening and the argument for immediacy of action.
The End of Silver Manipulation
Discovered this one too.
History of the Meltdown - This whole website is a find.
And a Youtube preview of a Cannes Award winner yet to be released.
Inside Job
And a brilliant article written a few years back:
Physical Silver Yes, Speculation No! By Israel Friedman
Richard Russell - Fiat Money To Meet Its End - Highlights the biggest fraud of the last half a century and how it will end -
“Investors sometimes get caught up in the day to day and week to week movements in gold and silver. Don’t waste your time or energy on that, just accumulate. Standing in front of us is the greatest transfer of wealth in history. When the dust settles, those holding the gold will make the rules.”
An Interesting graph: Gold - The Big Picture
And finally for today, Jasom Hommel answers the question, "How can silver prices double at any time?" in his latest article: When Will Silver Prices Explode? (ANYTIME!) He says:
"The Tiny Silver Market attracts 1% of 1%, or $1 out of every $10,000 in the US Banking system, each year. By the time 1% of paper money tries to buy silver in one year, there will be 100 times as much investor buying of silver as today, which will be about $180 billion trying to buy only 750 million ounces of annual world production, which implies a silver price of about $240/oz., or perhaps higher."
That's it for the weekend
"So just remember one thing. Silver prices can double overnight, at anytime, and it's totally impossible to predict when it will happen. And yet, at some unexpected day out of the blue, silver prices will likely double, and nobody will understand why, except me, and you. Because we know that the silver market is just way too small, and prices just way too low." ~ Jason Hommel
Thought I’d let it go for a while, but over Saturday, Sunday and Monday I discovered these, and they’re worthy of your attention, Dear Reader.
On Youtube, a very short and concise explanation of what is happening and the argument for immediacy of action.
The End of Silver Manipulation
Discovered this one too.
History of the Meltdown - This whole website is a find.
And a Youtube preview of a Cannes Award winner yet to be released.
Inside Job
And a brilliant article written a few years back:
Physical Silver Yes, Speculation No! By Israel Friedman
Richard Russell - Fiat Money To Meet Its End - Highlights the biggest fraud of the last half a century and how it will end -
“Investors sometimes get caught up in the day to day and week to week movements in gold and silver. Don’t waste your time or energy on that, just accumulate. Standing in front of us is the greatest transfer of wealth in history. When the dust settles, those holding the gold will make the rules.”
An Interesting graph: Gold - The Big Picture
And finally for today, Jasom Hommel answers the question, "How can silver prices double at any time?" in his latest article: When Will Silver Prices Explode? (ANYTIME!) He says:
"The Tiny Silver Market attracts 1% of 1%, or $1 out of every $10,000 in the US Banking system, each year. By the time 1% of paper money tries to buy silver in one year, there will be 100 times as much investor buying of silver as today, which will be about $180 billion trying to buy only 750 million ounces of annual world production, which implies a silver price of about $240/oz., or perhaps higher."
That's it for the weekend
Saturday, August 28, 2010
August 28, 2010; Saturday, 10 am
Good AM, Dear Reader
Dave in Denver at The Golden Truth has a very interesting observation: GLD Managing Director Jason Toussaint Does Not Own ANY GLD Shares... The title may not make sense to you until you realize that GLD is the Trade Name for the largest “Paper Gold” ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). It’s where people are trading in Gold Stocks but not actually buying it for personal possession. He points out that it is such a delusion that even the insider managers of this market (who, BTW, are making millions from it) do not own any.
The most important item today is an interview with James Turk, the founder of GoldMoney.com. It's with Eric King over at King World News. It's all about silver... and how bullish things look. It certainly worth your time... listen to the mp3 here.
GATA has three new articles of interest. It’s always worth a gander at GATA. If you want an easy way to review the news, log onto my Silvernews blog and click on the sources on the left. They’ll open up in separate tabs for easy perusing.
I added some five new links yesterday to the ‘Historical Articles” section (lower left). This is some heady stuff, when you get down to the relationships of G&S not just to economies but to the very roots of life itself.. Don’t know about you but I’m learning a lot and trying to make it available for you too. Y’know, “Seek knowledge from the cradle……” Take a look also at the “Education / Background” Sec-tion on the right.
Between GATA, FOFOA and Bastiat, you got it all.
Don’t forget to check out “Before it’s News” and “Activist Post”.
That’s it for today.
Lots of love to you all and may your Ramadan be full of blessings
Dave in Denver at The Golden Truth has a very interesting observation: GLD Managing Director Jason Toussaint Does Not Own ANY GLD Shares... The title may not make sense to you until you realize that GLD is the Trade Name for the largest “Paper Gold” ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). It’s where people are trading in Gold Stocks but not actually buying it for personal possession. He points out that it is such a delusion that even the insider managers of this market (who, BTW, are making millions from it) do not own any.
The most important item today is an interview with James Turk, the founder of GoldMoney.com. It's with Eric King over at King World News. It's all about silver... and how bullish things look. It certainly worth your time... listen to the mp3 here.
GATA has three new articles of interest. It’s always worth a gander at GATA. If you want an easy way to review the news, log onto my Silvernews blog and click on the sources on the left. They’ll open up in separate tabs for easy perusing.
I added some five new links yesterday to the ‘Historical Articles” section (lower left). This is some heady stuff, when you get down to the relationships of G&S not just to economies but to the very roots of life itself.. Don’t know about you but I’m learning a lot and trying to make it available for you too. Y’know, “Seek knowledge from the cradle……” Take a look also at the “Education / Background” Sec-tion on the right.
Between GATA, FOFOA and Bastiat, you got it all.
Don’t forget to check out “Before it’s News” and “Activist Post”.
That’s it for today.
Lots of love to you all and may your Ramadan be full of blessings
Friday, August 27, 2010
August 27, 2010; Friday, 10 am
Greetings, Dear Reader
Today’s news is brief. I do hope, however that you have taken a moment to review the latest post on my Silvernews blog:
A summary article of interest in the G&S market is this. Even though the title may sound uninteresting, he links a lot of history in a short form. http://www.gata.org/node/8962
And this one too, you might also find educational, even though, again, the title is the least interesting part of the article. Proposing and Overnight Gold Fund.
And, did I mention this yesterday? It’s still very interesting.
1% of 1% - (The Silver Market is tiny, tiny, tiny !)
As you may have noticed, I’m starting to wind down a bit on the newsletter bit. Thanks for your indulgence. I’ve succeeded in gathering to my Silvernews blog most of the core information needed for the study of G&S, and discovered, of course, that I’m nowhere near alone in this. Most of the essential in-formation can be found on GATA, as they link-reference all of their sources who are the real movers and shakers in this market and study - granted it took me a while of personal investigation and study to come to this conclusion.
Thanks for helping me build my Silvernews blog, and I hope you find it useful in the future. Please feel free to give me a call if I can help put your hard earnings into real value, and I cannot emphasize enough the benefit to you of immediate action.
Lots of love to you all, and yes, I’ll still send out any news I think you should know.
PS. A good daily for any of you who want to follow this (and I believe you should) is Ed Steer’s.
I also subscribe to The Daily Bell, ‘cause I like and agree with their approach. It takes a bit to see where they’re coming from but after seeing it I like it. http://thedailybell.com/
I’ve listed my fave’s on the left.
Today’s news is brief. I do hope, however that you have taken a moment to review the latest post on my Silvernews blog:
A summary article of interest in the G&S market is this. Even though the title may sound uninteresting, he links a lot of history in a short form. http://www.gata.org/node/8962
And this one too, you might also find educational, even though, again, the title is the least interesting part of the article. Proposing and Overnight Gold Fund.
And, did I mention this yesterday? It’s still very interesting.
1% of 1% - (The Silver Market is tiny, tiny, tiny !)
As you may have noticed, I’m starting to wind down a bit on the newsletter bit. Thanks for your indulgence. I’ve succeeded in gathering to my Silvernews blog most of the core information needed for the study of G&S, and discovered, of course, that I’m nowhere near alone in this. Most of the essential in-formation can be found on GATA, as they link-reference all of their sources who are the real movers and shakers in this market and study - granted it took me a while of personal investigation and study to come to this conclusion.
Thanks for helping me build my Silvernews blog, and I hope you find it useful in the future. Please feel free to give me a call if I can help put your hard earnings into real value, and I cannot emphasize enough the benefit to you of immediate action.
Lots of love to you all, and yes, I’ll still send out any news I think you should know.
PS. A good daily for any of you who want to follow this (and I believe you should) is Ed Steer’s.
I also subscribe to The Daily Bell, ‘cause I like and agree with their approach. It takes a bit to see where they’re coming from but after seeing it I like it. http://thedailybell.com/
I’ve listed my fave’s on the left.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
August 26, 2010; Thursday, 9 AM
Dear reader,
Today’s news is simple and summed up by this brief article. Use all the usual sources to fill yourself in.
Silver Flying, Gold Marching Towards Highs - Very brief and worth the read.
This one is again interesting from Jason Hommel
1% of 1% - (The Silver Market is tiny, tiny, tiny !)
and his archive is here.
And for you really deep philosophers, FOFOA has written again. He calls it ‘Incredibility Inflation’ and it’s worth the trouble you might have to understand the concept. You might then recognize it as a variant of the broader theme of truth and the application or manipulation of belief.
Please visit my Silvernews website and review yesterday’s post. Click on the top 8 links to the left and see for yourself what’s news and interesting.
Today’s news is simple and summed up by this brief article. Use all the usual sources to fill yourself in.
Silver Flying, Gold Marching Towards Highs - Very brief and worth the read.
This one is again interesting from Jason Hommel
1% of 1% - (The Silver Market is tiny, tiny, tiny !)
and his archive is here.
And for you really deep philosophers, FOFOA has written again. He calls it ‘Incredibility Inflation’ and it’s worth the trouble you might have to understand the concept. You might then recognize it as a variant of the broader theme of truth and the application or manipulation of belief.
Please visit my Silvernews website and review yesterday’s post. Click on the top 8 links to the left and see for yourself what’s news and interesting.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
August 25, 2010; Wednesday, 12 pm
Thanks to you ALL for the many B'day greetings. I only wish for you that you are aware of the potential for loss of savings (yours and your parents/relatives/friends) if you still have investments of any kind anywhere. The price of Silver has just shot up considerably, and although it mat not be permanent, the pundits have been predicting this for so long now that we might actually say, "It's about time." But more than that, the powers that be have been reading the same blogs exposing their manipulation and predicting their downfall that there is no way they can't be aware of the true value of Gold and Silver and make a sudden and not so surreptitious run for it. And that may well be what's happening right this minute.
The true value of Gold and Silver is astronomical in terms of the lightning fall of the dollar. and those who know are doing something about it right now. And it's true that it is quite possible for Big Money to make such a run that it would leave precious little for the little guy (you and me).
So I urge you. READ from some of the sources on this page. The argument is inexorable. See what's happening right now by clicking on the Kitco Link. Get your savings free. Take the loss in fees, fines and taxes. What you invest now in Silver and if you can afford it, Gold, will pay off so well, even if it does dip again (which we hope it will, but don't wait), that you will not miss the fees you may have paid in 'losses'.
Please call me if you would like to expedite the matter quickly. I've got my fingers on the very best sources and have helped many of my local friends already. Let's get going, while the going is good.
Gold Demand Increases 36% as Investors Increase Allocations to Bullion
Silver and gold explosive, Hinde Capital's Ben Davies tells King World News Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2010-08-25 02:27. Section: Daily Dispatches; 10:15p ET Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Eric King of King World News today did a timely interview about gold and silver with Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital in London. They discussed what Davies called the "fascinating" action in silver today, his expectation of price explosions this fall in both gold and silver, China's increasing leadership in the gold market, and the likelihood of currency devaluations, among other things. You can listen to the interview at the King World News Internet site linked above.
The true value of Gold and Silver is astronomical in terms of the lightning fall of the dollar. and those who know are doing something about it right now. And it's true that it is quite possible for Big Money to make such a run that it would leave precious little for the little guy (you and me).
So I urge you. READ from some of the sources on this page. The argument is inexorable. See what's happening right now by clicking on the Kitco Link. Get your savings free. Take the loss in fees, fines and taxes. What you invest now in Silver and if you can afford it, Gold, will pay off so well, even if it does dip again (which we hope it will, but don't wait), that you will not miss the fees you may have paid in 'losses'.
Please call me if you would like to expedite the matter quickly. I've got my fingers on the very best sources and have helped many of my local friends already. Let's get going, while the going is good.
Gold Demand Increases 36% as Investors Increase Allocations to Bullion
Silver and gold explosive, Hinde Capital's Ben Davies tells King World News Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2010-08-25 02:27. Section: Daily Dispatches; 10:15p ET Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Eric King of King World News today did a timely interview about gold and silver with Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital in London. They discussed what Davies called the "fascinating" action in silver today, his expectation of price explosions this fall in both gold and silver, China's increasing leadership in the gold market, and the likelihood of currency devaluations, among other things. You can listen to the interview at the King World News Internet site linked above.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
August 24, 2010; Tuesday, 12 pm
Good afternoon, Dear Reader
Silver jumped today from 17.80 to 18.50. http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny
That’s a larger jump in just a few minute than I’ve ever seen. It leads on to suspect that this might be the beginning of the long awaited and oft-predicted boom. A run on Silver (and Gold) is inevitable. I just hope we’ve got ours before the prices become prohibitive (for some). Remains to be seen how long it will stay there but I expect it will, eventually, and start it’s climb to the astronomical prices that it is really worth without all the price suppression manipulation by the big money players. Oh, well. We’ll see.
Ed Steer will certainly have something to say tomorrow. If you haven’t already subscribed to his email newsletter, I highly suggest it. It’s fun to read if you like this sort of thing. http://www.caseyresearch.com/displayGsd.php
Wanna know more about how manipulation works? Check this: "Manipulating the Silver Market" http://www.fgmr.com/manipulating-the-silver-market.html
And from Ed Steer's news: “The last precious metals-related story is a GATA release from late yesterday. Chris Powell uses the headline "Over lunch with FT, more igno-rant snickering about gold". The headline from London's Financial Times reads "Lunch with the FT: Adam Fergusson". Powell's headline is right on the money... as is his lengthy preamble. The link to that, and the FT story, is here.” http://www.gata.org/node/8953 .. Both are must reads.
Dave in Denver says today:
“Everyone who has and does scrutinize the precious metals market on a daily basis is well aware that the physical supply of gold and silver is getting scarce, especially relative to the size of the massive paper short positions taken on by the big bullion banks here and in Europe. Silver as I write this is now pressing $18.40... One of these days a big foreign buyer is going to attempt to take a large silver delivery from the Comex and the Comex will default. It will be "game over" then for our system and a devastating currency crisis will erupt, along with hyperinflation. Prepare accordingly.” http://truthingold.blogspot.com/
OK! So here’s what Happened!
Gold Goes Vertical As Goldman Reiterates Harsh QE Expectations
"Well, we sure hope you, ahem, bought the dip. A $17 vertical move in minutes is an appetizer of what will happen when Bernanke says the wrong word at J-Hole (and he most likely will)." Check the chart! http://www.kitco.com/charts/popup/au24hr3day.html
And again, Activist Post comes through with the most interesting developments.
That’s It. C’ya tomorrow…
Silver jumped today from 17.80 to 18.50. http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny
That’s a larger jump in just a few minute than I’ve ever seen. It leads on to suspect that this might be the beginning of the long awaited and oft-predicted boom. A run on Silver (and Gold) is inevitable. I just hope we’ve got ours before the prices become prohibitive (for some). Remains to be seen how long it will stay there but I expect it will, eventually, and start it’s climb to the astronomical prices that it is really worth without all the price suppression manipulation by the big money players. Oh, well. We’ll see.
Ed Steer will certainly have something to say tomorrow. If you haven’t already subscribed to his email newsletter, I highly suggest it. It’s fun to read if you like this sort of thing. http://www.caseyresearch.com/displayGsd.php
Wanna know more about how manipulation works? Check this: "Manipulating the Silver Market" http://www.fgmr.com/manipulating-the-silver-market.html
And from Ed Steer's news: “The last precious metals-related story is a GATA release from late yesterday. Chris Powell uses the headline "Over lunch with FT, more igno-rant snickering about gold". The headline from London's Financial Times reads "Lunch with the FT: Adam Fergusson". Powell's headline is right on the money... as is his lengthy preamble. The link to that, and the FT story, is here.” http://www.gata.org/node/8953 .. Both are must reads.
Dave in Denver says today:
“Everyone who has and does scrutinize the precious metals market on a daily basis is well aware that the physical supply of gold and silver is getting scarce, especially relative to the size of the massive paper short positions taken on by the big bullion banks here and in Europe. Silver as I write this is now pressing $18.40... One of these days a big foreign buyer is going to attempt to take a large silver delivery from the Comex and the Comex will default. It will be "game over" then for our system and a devastating currency crisis will erupt, along with hyperinflation. Prepare accordingly.” http://truthingold.blogspot.com/
OK! So here’s what Happened!
Gold Goes Vertical As Goldman Reiterates Harsh QE Expectations
"Well, we sure hope you, ahem, bought the dip. A $17 vertical move in minutes is an appetizer of what will happen when Bernanke says the wrong word at J-Hole (and he most likely will)." Check the chart! http://www.kitco.com/charts/popup/au24hr3day.html
And again, Activist Post comes through with the most interesting developments.
That’s It. C’ya tomorrow…
Monday, August 23, 2010
August 23, 2010; Monday, 9 am
Good Morning, Dear Reader. The week is beginning and it is expected to be interesting.
My choices for today’s reading (if you have the time and interest) would be:
James Turk - Upside Explosion In Silver
"James Turk focuses once again on the silver market. He is ultimately anticipating an explosion in the price of silver with a few wiggles in between. Pessimism relating to silver has been increasing for quite some time now, with virtually everyone waiting for the price to collapse. The rise in pessimism is a classic example of how bull markets like to climb a wall of worry."
Richard Russell - The Stock Market Is Crumbling
'Atlas Shrugged': From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years
On the Way Down: The Erosion of America's Middle Class ~ By Thomas Schulz
Obama's Modification Program Causing More Foreclosures
NIA's VisionVictory just posted a new must see video about how foreclosures are surging as Obama encourages more of the same behavior that caused the housing crisis. Please watch this video immediately by visiting NIA's video page at
And just as a matter of course, I recommend a daily peek at GATA’s list of recent articles. http://www.gata.org/ and the same goes for Activist Post - http://www.activistpost.com/
That should do it for today. I’ll let you know if anything special arises.
My choices for today’s reading (if you have the time and interest) would be:
James Turk - Upside Explosion In Silver
"James Turk focuses once again on the silver market. He is ultimately anticipating an explosion in the price of silver with a few wiggles in between. Pessimism relating to silver has been increasing for quite some time now, with virtually everyone waiting for the price to collapse. The rise in pessimism is a classic example of how bull markets like to climb a wall of worry."
Richard Russell - The Stock Market Is Crumbling
'Atlas Shrugged': From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years
On the Way Down: The Erosion of America's Middle Class ~ By Thomas Schulz
Obama's Modification Program Causing More Foreclosures
NIA's VisionVictory just posted a new must see video about how foreclosures are surging as Obama encourages more of the same behavior that caused the housing crisis. Please watch this video immediately by visiting NIA's video page at
And just as a matter of course, I recommend a daily peek at GATA’s list of recent articles. http://www.gata.org/ and the same goes for Activist Post - http://www.activistpost.com/
That should do it for today. I’ll let you know if anything special arises.
Friday, August 20, 2010
August 20, 2010; Friday, 11 am
The World Won't Flock to Paper
Here’s a hot one (especially the first two or so paragraphs) from the National Inflation Association, who by the way are leading the field in accurate reporting and predictions.
This one is a ‘must read’.
The Ecstasy of Empire: How Close Is America’s Demise?
“Without a revolution, Americans are history.” ~ by Paul Craig Roberts
And also from Global Research:
Mounting Opposition to GMO Crops: The World’s People Reject Genetic Pollution of Food and the Environment ~ by Rady Ananda
From Activist Post
Ben & Jerry's 'natural' ice cream filled with unnatural ingredients
“CSPI has been after Ben & Jerry's, which is now part of the consumer product conglomerate Unilever, since 2002 over deceptive labeling. After bringing these problems to the attention of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at that time, CSPI has watched the quality of Ben & Jerry's products get even worse.” Etc….
This one seems to be the BIG news:
Silver Velocity - The Coming Bullet
Ed Steer’s intro is enough: "Hinde Capital in London, whose CEO, Ben Davies, lately has thrown himself into the campaign to expose manipulation of the precious metals markets, published a long report this month on the excellent prospects for silver, citing the concentrated short position of the bullion banks and the work of silver market analyst Ted Butler.
“… it's a long report... a 12-page pdf file to be exact... with lots of graphs. It's a must read of course, but it's something you can pick away at on the weekend if you don't have the time at the moment."
It can also be found on kingworldnews.com
As always, Ed steer’s Daily is always worth the time:
That's it for today. Happy Reading
Here’s a hot one (especially the first two or so paragraphs) from the National Inflation Association, who by the way are leading the field in accurate reporting and predictions.
This one is a ‘must read’.
The Ecstasy of Empire: How Close Is America’s Demise?
“Without a revolution, Americans are history.” ~ by Paul Craig Roberts
And also from Global Research:
Mounting Opposition to GMO Crops: The World’s People Reject Genetic Pollution of Food and the Environment ~ by Rady Ananda
From Activist Post
Ben & Jerry's 'natural' ice cream filled with unnatural ingredients
“CSPI has been after Ben & Jerry's, which is now part of the consumer product conglomerate Unilever, since 2002 over deceptive labeling. After bringing these problems to the attention of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at that time, CSPI has watched the quality of Ben & Jerry's products get even worse.” Etc….
This one seems to be the BIG news:
Silver Velocity - The Coming Bullet
Ed Steer’s intro is enough: "Hinde Capital in London, whose CEO, Ben Davies, lately has thrown himself into the campaign to expose manipulation of the precious metals markets, published a long report this month on the excellent prospects for silver, citing the concentrated short position of the bullion banks and the work of silver market analyst Ted Butler.
“… it's a long report... a 12-page pdf file to be exact... with lots of graphs. It's a must read of course, but it's something you can pick away at on the weekend if you don't have the time at the moment."
It can also be found on kingworldnews.com
As always, Ed steer’s Daily is always worth the time:
That's it for today. Happy Reading
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
August 18, 2010; Wednesday, 10am
No doubt now. Activist Post is my leading and most interesting news source. I recommend you view it daily. Especially the 'Today's Most Viewd Articles' list on the right. http://www.activistpost.com/
Today’s Casey Report starts out as an attempt to find some good news for the day, but alas, he sadly admits that it is hard to find. What results is a pretty down-to earth assessment of the status quo. Well worth reviewing. His report is a good one to sign up for. http://www.caseyresearch.com/displayCdd.php?id=512
“The growth in foreign dollar holdings has placed upon the United States a special responsibility--that of maintaining the dollar as the principal reserve currency of the free world. This required that the dollar be considered by many countries to be as good as gold. It is our responsibility to sustain this confidence.” - President John F. Kennedy days after he took office in January, 1961
Now THIS is a VERY interesting article!! In fact, it’s so historical and informative that I’ve added it to the links in the Historical Article section of my blog.
The Great American Disaster: How Much Gold Remains In Fort Knox?
OK! Got to pass it along. I just discovered two really good sites for viewing 1) Documentaries, and 2) Classy Films of the entertainment variety.
Divx Only http://divxonly.com offers a selection of GOOD films (“Sorcerer”, anyone?)
and Wide Eye Cinema http://wideeyecinema.com/ has the most amazing intro video in film history (2 minutes of sheer amazement) on its homepage, plus a huge collection of pertinent and contemporary documentaries. Pinned ‘em both to my blog.
That’s it for today.
Today’s Casey Report starts out as an attempt to find some good news for the day, but alas, he sadly admits that it is hard to find. What results is a pretty down-to earth assessment of the status quo. Well worth reviewing. His report is a good one to sign up for. http://www.caseyresearch.com/displayCdd.php?id=512
“The growth in foreign dollar holdings has placed upon the United States a special responsibility--that of maintaining the dollar as the principal reserve currency of the free world. This required that the dollar be considered by many countries to be as good as gold. It is our responsibility to sustain this confidence.” - President John F. Kennedy days after he took office in January, 1961
Now THIS is a VERY interesting article!! In fact, it’s so historical and informative that I’ve added it to the links in the Historical Article section of my blog.
The Great American Disaster: How Much Gold Remains In Fort Knox?
OK! Got to pass it along. I just discovered two really good sites for viewing 1) Documentaries, and 2) Classy Films of the entertainment variety.
Divx Only http://divxonly.com offers a selection of GOOD films (“Sorcerer”, anyone?)
and Wide Eye Cinema http://wideeyecinema.com/ has the most amazing intro video in film history (2 minutes of sheer amazement) on its homepage, plus a huge collection of pertinent and contemporary documentaries. Pinned ‘em both to my blog.
That’s it for today.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
August 17, 2010 ; Tuesday, 9am
Ed Steer is on to something this am. Take a look at the 1997 Gold V. Silver chart in the middle of his report and read the comments below it. The rest of his daily is worthy of review also.
Here’s one from GATA that should interest you if you want to know how price suppression works or are holding EFT’s in G&S or somehow still think it’s a good idea. Gold, silver ETFs are price-suppression schemes, Hinde Capital report finds This one is seriously important, and even though you may not read the whole report as it seems quite long and complicated to me, at least get the gist of it from GATA’s summary. And note the fact that was unexpectedly picked up by mainstream Financial Times (FT), which signifies something…
And also in the same vein from GATA, this: A review of gold, silver market manipulation complaints to the CFTC You may wonder why this is important. Let’s remember that the end of the manipulation to keep G&S prices suppressed will mark the beginning of the ‘boom’. It’s not far off, folks. So of course, the sooner you buy into your share of G&S, the better off you may be in the long run.
That’s all for today, folks.
See ya tomorrow.
Here’s one from GATA that should interest you if you want to know how price suppression works or are holding EFT’s in G&S or somehow still think it’s a good idea. Gold, silver ETFs are price-suppression schemes, Hinde Capital report finds This one is seriously important, and even though you may not read the whole report as it seems quite long and complicated to me, at least get the gist of it from GATA’s summary. And note the fact that was unexpectedly picked up by mainstream Financial Times (FT), which signifies something…
And also in the same vein from GATA, this: A review of gold, silver market manipulation complaints to the CFTC You may wonder why this is important. Let’s remember that the end of the manipulation to keep G&S prices suppressed will mark the beginning of the ‘boom’. It’s not far off, folks. So of course, the sooner you buy into your share of G&S, the better off you may be in the long run.
That’s all for today, folks.
See ya tomorrow.
Monday, August 16, 2010
August 16, 2010; Monday, 3 pm
Taking an early look at Kitco for today reveals an impressive upswing of S&G spots. We’ll know why later, I’m sure.
Here’s an informative video on Fixing the Economy: State owned Banks from Ellen Brown. Ellen Brown is that acclaimed author of “Web of Debt” http://www.webofdebt.com/ (Google it for related blogs, videos, etc.)
Here’s an interesting review clearly and concisely relating the suppression of hemp to the collapse of the economy. It also suggests that reversion to hemp production might be the means of survival, bringing up not just industrial and agricultural uses, but food and nutritional value as well. It’s two pages and a bit of a read, but if you want a review of the essentials and another reality check, here it is.
Some of you may be wondering what the fuss over the president’s birth status is all about. This video states the case pretty clearly.
I’d lie to clarify my view a bit on the relationship between G&S and politics.
The long term decline and seemingly inevitable collapse of the Washington empire - which in itself is the product of centuries of greed and scheming from the ancient temples of the nefarious Money Masters/Changers - is directly related to the current prices of gold and silver (PM’s or Precious Metals).
As the value of the dollar decreases to nothing, the values of gold and silver, which throughout the history of the world have always been ‘real’ money - so it might be said that that is the purpose of their existence - increases (to ‘everything’).
Knowing this by virtue of the traditions handed down from the earliest Philosophers of Monopoly, the powers that be in the world of high finance are seeking to benefit from their efforts 1) to use all the power they have to control the values of G&S relative to the dollar, and 2) to keep it a secret for as long as possible.
This begs the questions of why and how.
Why: The longer the value of the dollar can remain inflated (over true value), the longer the ‘economy’, such as it is, remains intact, and the less fear is spread among the people, thereby avoiding ‘runs on the bank’, so to speak, and, more importantly, runs on gold and silver. This allows for more time to gain further leverage, riches and control, thereby in theory, ensuring the survival of themselves and their posterity through selfsame collapse, which they, under another hat, are financing and engineering. (The old ‘survival of the fittest’ routine that serves them as their substitute for faith in God).
How: by buying and selling their vast investments in these markets (G&S) rapidly at volumes no one else can approach (these are the ‘bullion banks’, controlled by the CB’s [Central Banks] of the various nations). When they see the ‘prices’ rising, as they naturally must, they buy or sell, as the case may be, to keep the prices down, thereby maintaining the illusion (for the masses) of a more or less ‘stable’ economy (for reasons mentioned above).
The maintenance of this illusion for as long as possible is one of the central reasons for the power-grab over the Internet, which, through exposure, is the only tool capable of their destruction, other that nature itself.
Admittedly, there is much more to it than that, but that should suffice as a primer to what’s actually happening.
There are two bits of good news to all this - the total and disastrous collapse of the national economy notwithstanding.
1) The prices (of silver, at any rate) are still affordable to those lucky enough to have savings and smart enough to take them out of the banks and invest them into the physical possession of Silver), and
2) IT’S GONNA END, AND SOON!! They cannot keep it up and they know it. That’s why all the nations and CB’s are going for the gold! Read the previously posted article, The Best Gold Interview of 2010 - If it's no longer there, you can get it here.
Let’s be clear on one fact. This current state of affairs, this empire, was NOT the point and purpose of the Great American Experiment. In fact, the possibility and even the inevitability of this kind of takeover was clearly predicted and warned against by numerous of the founding fathers* and many of the more recent presidents including John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Dwight David Eisenhower. Please review these ever-significant videos of these two presidents stating the facts clearly for all to hear.
Also to be found under ‘Educational Videos’ on this blog.
On the contrary, we now exist in a national empire the avoidance of which was one of the main reasons for our founding fathers, authors of the Declaration of Independence, writing The Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights. We enjoyed freedom and prosperity, as well as the respect of nations, for nearly two centuries, all the while the bankers and their progeny were scheming to take it away from us, and now it looks like they’ve succeeded. But God is always Supreme, and all revelations tell us of the plotters and schemers that “They plan and God plans. And surely God is the best of planners.”
So enjoy your ill-gotten gains at the expense and live of millions for a short while. And enjoy your belief that this life is all there is and that there is no judgment on your purely evil intentions. Surely you shall taste the consequences of your deeds, and all your plotting and planning will come to no avail.
*“Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.” William Penn
*“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” – Thomas Jefferson
OK! That’s my brief intro to “what and why”, and what I think of it all.
Hope I’m not boring you.
Taking an early look at Kitco for today reveals an impressive upswing of S&G spots. We’ll know why later, I’m sure.
Here’s an informative video on Fixing the Economy: State owned Banks from Ellen Brown. Ellen Brown is that acclaimed author of “Web of Debt” http://www.webofdebt.com/ (Google it for related blogs, videos, etc.)
Here’s an interesting review clearly and concisely relating the suppression of hemp to the collapse of the economy. It also suggests that reversion to hemp production might be the means of survival, bringing up not just industrial and agricultural uses, but food and nutritional value as well. It’s two pages and a bit of a read, but if you want a review of the essentials and another reality check, here it is.
Some of you may be wondering what the fuss over the president’s birth status is all about. This video states the case pretty clearly.
I’d lie to clarify my view a bit on the relationship between G&S and politics.
The long term decline and seemingly inevitable collapse of the Washington empire - which in itself is the product of centuries of greed and scheming from the ancient temples of the nefarious Money Masters/Changers - is directly related to the current prices of gold and silver (PM’s or Precious Metals).
As the value of the dollar decreases to nothing, the values of gold and silver, which throughout the history of the world have always been ‘real’ money - so it might be said that that is the purpose of their existence - increases (to ‘everything’).
Knowing this by virtue of the traditions handed down from the earliest Philosophers of Monopoly, the powers that be in the world of high finance are seeking to benefit from their efforts 1) to use all the power they have to control the values of G&S relative to the dollar, and 2) to keep it a secret for as long as possible.
This begs the questions of why and how.
Why: The longer the value of the dollar can remain inflated (over true value), the longer the ‘economy’, such as it is, remains intact, and the less fear is spread among the people, thereby avoiding ‘runs on the bank’, so to speak, and, more importantly, runs on gold and silver. This allows for more time to gain further leverage, riches and control, thereby in theory, ensuring the survival of themselves and their posterity through selfsame collapse, which they, under another hat, are financing and engineering. (The old ‘survival of the fittest’ routine that serves them as their substitute for faith in God).
How: by buying and selling their vast investments in these markets (G&S) rapidly at volumes no one else can approach (these are the ‘bullion banks’, controlled by the CB’s [Central Banks] of the various nations). When they see the ‘prices’ rising, as they naturally must, they buy or sell, as the case may be, to keep the prices down, thereby maintaining the illusion (for the masses) of a more or less ‘stable’ economy (for reasons mentioned above).
The maintenance of this illusion for as long as possible is one of the central reasons for the power-grab over the Internet, which, through exposure, is the only tool capable of their destruction, other that nature itself.
Admittedly, there is much more to it than that, but that should suffice as a primer to what’s actually happening.
There are two bits of good news to all this - the total and disastrous collapse of the national economy notwithstanding.
1) The prices (of silver, at any rate) are still affordable to those lucky enough to have savings and smart enough to take them out of the banks and invest them into the physical possession of Silver), and
2) IT’S GONNA END, AND SOON!! They cannot keep it up and they know it. That’s why all the nations and CB’s are going for the gold! Read the previously posted article, The Best Gold Interview of 2010 - If it's no longer there, you can get it here.
Let’s be clear on one fact. This current state of affairs, this empire, was NOT the point and purpose of the Great American Experiment. In fact, the possibility and even the inevitability of this kind of takeover was clearly predicted and warned against by numerous of the founding fathers* and many of the more recent presidents including John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Dwight David Eisenhower. Please review these ever-significant videos of these two presidents stating the facts clearly for all to hear.
Also to be found under ‘Educational Videos’ on this blog.
On the contrary, we now exist in a national empire the avoidance of which was one of the main reasons for our founding fathers, authors of the Declaration of Independence, writing The Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights. We enjoyed freedom and prosperity, as well as the respect of nations, for nearly two centuries, all the while the bankers and their progeny were scheming to take it away from us, and now it looks like they’ve succeeded. But God is always Supreme, and all revelations tell us of the plotters and schemers that “They plan and God plans. And surely God is the best of planners.”
So enjoy your ill-gotten gains at the expense and live of millions for a short while. And enjoy your belief that this life is all there is and that there is no judgment on your purely evil intentions. Surely you shall taste the consequences of your deeds, and all your plotting and planning will come to no avail.
*“Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.” William Penn
*“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” – Thomas Jefferson
OK! That’s my brief intro to “what and why”, and what I think of it all.
Hope I’m not boring you.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
August 14, 2010; Saturday, 9 am
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” ~ Ludwig von Mises – Austrian Economist (1881- 1973)
Dear Reader,
Yesterday’s post was significant, as I believe most of them are. I encourage you to read as much as you can.
BUT, This JUST in from Casey Research, and I believe it states my argument in plain and simple terms: Hurry! Don’t wait. This is not your grandfather’s economy. Events are happening rapidly and people are figuring it out at exponential rates of speed.
Please Read this one: The Best Gold Interview of 2010
If it's no longer there, you can get it here.
I've been interested in finding out more about the people and powers that manipulate the G&S Markets, and it turns out that 'Bullion Banks' have a lot to do with that. So I searched a bit and came up with concise explanation of who and how.
Bullion Banks: Smarter than the Rest of Us or Just More Informed?
It's a chapter from Gold Market Lending: An inside look at one of the most opaque Central Bank activities, its impact on the gold market and how IMF policy can change the market to benefit all participants
It's linked permanently in the 'Education / Background' section (lower left).
Here are two from GATA:
Adrian Douglas: Gold market isn't 'fixed'; it's rigged
Morgan retreating from silver rig, Ted Butler tells King World News
And yet another convincing article.
Gold Is My Asset Pick for the Next 10 Years
That’s it for today.
Dear Reader,
Yesterday’s post was significant, as I believe most of them are. I encourage you to read as much as you can.
BUT, This JUST in from Casey Research, and I believe it states my argument in plain and simple terms: Hurry! Don’t wait. This is not your grandfather’s economy. Events are happening rapidly and people are figuring it out at exponential rates of speed.
Please Read this one: The Best Gold Interview of 2010
If it's no longer there, you can get it here.
I've been interested in finding out more about the people and powers that manipulate the G&S Markets, and it turns out that 'Bullion Banks' have a lot to do with that. So I searched a bit and came up with concise explanation of who and how.
Bullion Banks: Smarter than the Rest of Us or Just More Informed?
It's a chapter from Gold Market Lending: An inside look at one of the most opaque Central Bank activities, its impact on the gold market and how IMF policy can change the market to benefit all participants
It's linked permanently in the 'Education / Background' section (lower left).
Here are two from GATA:
Adrian Douglas: Gold market isn't 'fixed'; it's rigged
Morgan retreating from silver rig, Ted Butler tells King World News
And yet another convincing article.
Gold Is My Asset Pick for the Next 10 Years
That’s it for today.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
August 12, 2010; Thursday, 9 am
Ali’s News of Silver, Gold and the Economy- #11
Wednesday’s spot price chart at Kitco (See it here if you’re interested)
http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny indicates that the manipulators are playing with what amounts to $.50.
But since they’re playing on a moment to moment basis with millions if not billions of dollars, this relatively minor fluctuation is a big deal to them. To the individual ‘safe haven’ buyer it means relatively nothing. That is because we’re ‘savers’, not players. We’re in it for the long haul and for the intrinsic value of the precious metal we store. We’re aware of the fact that although corruption may never end in our lifetime, it stands no real chance against the forces of nature – Gold and Silver WILL rise to their true values vis-à-vis the ever-devaluating dollar, and the people who had the good sense to get out while they still had something intact will preserve themselves, God willing. I believe that someday we’ll be smiling and saying to each other. “Good God! Can you remember when we bought this stuff at les than $20 an ounce?” And as for the speculators? Some will and some won’t! It’s the nature of gambling to never be certain.
Here’s an article from Barron’s called ‘The Golden Mean’. It’s worth a glance if you have a moment. http://webreprints.djreprints.com/2467711363988.pdf
“The financial model of the nation-state depends on deficit finance to fund promises and the market is starting to say it is unsustainable.” ~ John Hathaway
Dave in Denver says in The Golden Truth: http://truthingold.blogspot.com/
"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong" (John Galt, "Atlas Shrugged"). http://truthingold.blogspot.com/2010/08/us-is-in-deep-trouble.html
Before it’s News scores again with this short and concise article:
The Two-Front War on Gold - http://beforeitsnews.com/story/133/964/The_Two-Front_War_on_Gold.html
Today (Thursday) might be an interesting day to watch Gold, according to this article given to us by ‘Before it’s News’: http://beforeitsnews.com/story/134/826/Why_You_Should_Buy_Gold_Right_Now.html Not quit sure what it means but I’m sure to find out.
And in the end, I leave you with yet another pithy quote from God only knows where but it makes sense:
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails Amer-ica. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama... who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” - Author unknown
I’m recommending my new SilverNews BlogSpot now as it’s pretty well updated and lookin’ gooood!! http://surrenderworks.blogspot.com/
From there it’s easy to peruse my top five sources and more for your own gleanings.
That’s it for now.
Wednesday’s spot price chart at Kitco (See it here if you’re interested)
http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html#ny indicates that the manipulators are playing with what amounts to $.50.
But since they’re playing on a moment to moment basis with millions if not billions of dollars, this relatively minor fluctuation is a big deal to them. To the individual ‘safe haven’ buyer it means relatively nothing. That is because we’re ‘savers’, not players. We’re in it for the long haul and for the intrinsic value of the precious metal we store. We’re aware of the fact that although corruption may never end in our lifetime, it stands no real chance against the forces of nature – Gold and Silver WILL rise to their true values vis-à-vis the ever-devaluating dollar, and the people who had the good sense to get out while they still had something intact will preserve themselves, God willing. I believe that someday we’ll be smiling and saying to each other. “Good God! Can you remember when we bought this stuff at les than $20 an ounce?” And as for the speculators? Some will and some won’t! It’s the nature of gambling to never be certain.
Here’s an article from Barron’s called ‘The Golden Mean’. It’s worth a glance if you have a moment. http://webreprints.djreprints.com/2467711363988.pdf
“The financial model of the nation-state depends on deficit finance to fund promises and the market is starting to say it is unsustainable.” ~ John Hathaway
Dave in Denver says in The Golden Truth: http://truthingold.blogspot.com/
"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong" (John Galt, "Atlas Shrugged"). http://truthingold.blogspot.com/2010/08/us-is-in-deep-trouble.html
Before it’s News scores again with this short and concise article:
The Two-Front War on Gold - http://beforeitsnews.com/story/133/964/The_Two-Front_War_on_Gold.html
Today (Thursday) might be an interesting day to watch Gold, according to this article given to us by ‘Before it’s News’: http://beforeitsnews.com/story/134/826/Why_You_Should_Buy_Gold_Right_Now.html Not quit sure what it means but I’m sure to find out.
And in the end, I leave you with yet another pithy quote from God only knows where but it makes sense:
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails Amer-ica. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama... who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” - Author unknown
I’m recommending my new SilverNews BlogSpot now as it’s pretty well updated and lookin’ gooood!! http://surrenderworks.blogspot.com/
From there it’s easy to peruse my top five sources and more for your own gleanings.
That’s it for now.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
August 11, 2010; Wednesday, 12PM
Greetings and Ramadan Mubarrak, Dear Reader.
Did you notice the unveiling of the 'World's Largest Clock?"
Not to be outdone by the English, and a few hundred years too late, our friends in Arabia have unveiled 'Big Bin", the 'Son of Ben'. Oh, You'll LOVE This!
And now back to stuff that matters:
Again, Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/) comes up with some winners today. A full slate of pertinent articles, among which are these
Reagan Insider: 'GOP destroyed economy'
A new take on what’s happening.
And, get this…
‘Why hemp could save the world’
From ‘Truth in Gold’, http://truthingold.blogspot.com/
Obama's Dangerously and Rapidly Expanding Government
“The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence...The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, to set-tle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.” (John Galt, "Atlas Shrugged").
...“One more point of rant today. The FOMC announced today that the Fed will be buying more Treasury debt to help support the economy. Can someone please explain to me how enabling the Government to borrow even more money actually supports the economy? The only way you can hope to protect yourself against the abuses of the Obama Government and corrupt banking system he enables is to move as much of your wealth as possible into physical gold and silver and some into mining stocks.”
And Again, ‘Before It’s News’ – Gold and Silver Section, has more confirming article of varied interest. http://beforeitsnews.com/stories/in/0000000000000023
Discovered this on ‘The Daily Reckoning’.
Ready, Set, Gold! Best Months Are Just Ahead
And where Gold goes, silver is sure to follow…
That’s it for today. Review again yesterday’s letter. It’s a recurrent and central theme well worth understanding. I now have a Blog on Blogspot,
where the article can be read and reviewed (and commented on).
Did you notice the unveiling of the 'World's Largest Clock?"
Not to be outdone by the English, and a few hundred years too late, our friends in Arabia have unveiled 'Big Bin", the 'Son of Ben'. Oh, You'll LOVE This!
And now back to stuff that matters:
Again, Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/) comes up with some winners today. A full slate of pertinent articles, among which are these
Reagan Insider: 'GOP destroyed economy'
A new take on what’s happening.
And, get this…
‘Why hemp could save the world’
From ‘Truth in Gold’, http://truthingold.blogspot.com/
Obama's Dangerously and Rapidly Expanding Government
“The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence...The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, to set-tle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.” (John Galt, "Atlas Shrugged").
...“One more point of rant today. The FOMC announced today that the Fed will be buying more Treasury debt to help support the economy. Can someone please explain to me how enabling the Government to borrow even more money actually supports the economy? The only way you can hope to protect yourself against the abuses of the Obama Government and corrupt banking system he enables is to move as much of your wealth as possible into physical gold and silver and some into mining stocks.”
And Again, ‘Before It’s News’ – Gold and Silver Section, has more confirming article of varied interest. http://beforeitsnews.com/stories/in/0000000000000023
Discovered this on ‘The Daily Reckoning’.
Ready, Set, Gold! Best Months Are Just Ahead
And where Gold goes, silver is sure to follow…
That’s it for today. Review again yesterday’s letter. It’s a recurrent and central theme well worth understanding. I now have a Blog on Blogspot,
where the article can be read and reviewed (and commented on).
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
August 10, 2010; Tuesday, 12PM
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men... they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it. – Frederic Bastiat, The Law [1850]
What’s happening? Not much, but it is sooo much the calm before the storm.
While Silver is continuing its struggle to rise to its true value in spite of the continued efforts of ‘da boyz’ of JPMorgan and the big bullion banks to keep it down through the manipulation of their temporary dollar power (which, by the way, is to our advantage temporarily), it is becoming an increasingly popular theory that they cannot keep it up forever and are fighting a last ditch losing battle against the forces of nature during which they are attempting to buy as much as they can as cheap as they can (that should be the clue to us also) to shore themselves up against the upcoming and absolutely inevitable collapse of the American economy, which has seriously begun and the end of which is nowhere in sight.
In Summary:
We’re holding steady on our opinion that silver is about to boom and continuing to recommend the extraction of dollars from any system and the asap purchase of physical bullion in any quantities for personal possession while the price is still low.
Visit my SilverNews web page for reliable silver sellers, leading news sites and recommended reading. http://wwww.surrenderworks.com/silvernews
Here’s an interesting read…
How Press Censorship Hid the Shocking Truth About Nagasaki A-Bomb 65 Years Ago
Several Current articles on Before It’s News
And Activist Post is a Must View if you want to stay up-to-date on all the scary things that are happening. http://www.activistpost.com/
That’s it for now.
What’s happening? Not much, but it is sooo much the calm before the storm.
While Silver is continuing its struggle to rise to its true value in spite of the continued efforts of ‘da boyz’ of JPMorgan and the big bullion banks to keep it down through the manipulation of their temporary dollar power (which, by the way, is to our advantage temporarily), it is becoming an increasingly popular theory that they cannot keep it up forever and are fighting a last ditch losing battle against the forces of nature during which they are attempting to buy as much as they can as cheap as they can (that should be the clue to us also) to shore themselves up against the upcoming and absolutely inevitable collapse of the American economy, which has seriously begun and the end of which is nowhere in sight.
In Summary:
We’re holding steady on our opinion that silver is about to boom and continuing to recommend the extraction of dollars from any system and the asap purchase of physical bullion in any quantities for personal possession while the price is still low.
Visit my SilverNews web page for reliable silver sellers, leading news sites and recommended reading. http://wwww.surrenderworks.com/silvernews
Here’s an interesting read…
How Press Censorship Hid the Shocking Truth About Nagasaki A-Bomb 65 Years Ago
Several Current articles on Before It’s News
And Activist Post is a Must View if you want to stay up-to-date on all the scary things that are happening. http://www.activistpost.com/
That’s it for now.
Monday, August 09, 2010
August 9, 2010; Monday, 9 AM
Ali’s News of Silver, Gold and the Economy- #8
(Please browse through the previous articles in the archives section of my SilverNews Web Page http://www.surrenderworks.com/silvernews to get caught up on my reasons for doing this and my thanks to you for indulging me.)
Interesting News today… but the headlines tell it all…
Is Silver Ready to Move Higher?
A Speculation: Gold Prepares To Make Yet Another All Time High
Something Big is Brewing
Nothing Has Changed, Gold Is Still Going to Dominate
BUT - THIS you’ve got to see!!!
Dear Reader, I’m adding a new section to the SilverNews Web Page called Background / Education to include some of the great foundational educational pieces helping us to un-derstand the role of Truth and Reality in all this Mess. One of the best pieces I’ve found is:
THE LAW - by Frederic Bastiat
From The Introduction - by Walter Williams
Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.
“I must have been forty years old before reading Frederic Bastiat’s classic The Law. An anonymous person, to whom I shall eternally be in debt, mailed me an unsolicited copy. Af-ter reading the book I was convinced that a liberal-arts education without an encounter with Bastiat is incomplete. Reading Bastiat made me keenly aware of all the time wasted, along with the frustrations of going down one blind alley after another, organizing my philosophy of life. The Law did not produce a philosophical conversion for me as much as it created or-der in my thinking about liberty and just human conduct.
"Many philosophers have made important contributions to the discourse on liberty, Bastiat among them. But Bastiat’s greatest contribution is that he took the discourse out of the ivory tower and made ideas on liberty so clear that even the unlettered can understand them and statists cannot obfuscate them. Clarity is crucial to persuading our fellowman of the moral superiority of personal liberty.
"Like others, Bastiat recognized that the greatest single threat to liberty is government. Notice the clarity he employs to help us identify and understand evil government acts such as legal-ized plunder. Bastiat says, “See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.” ….
Read also the Afterword for more about it. Download it. Keep it. Read it to your kids. It might be the only taste of intellectual reality they get on the subject for quite a while.
That's it for now.
(Please browse through the previous articles in the archives section of my SilverNews Web Page http://www.surrenderworks.com/silvernews to get caught up on my reasons for doing this and my thanks to you for indulging me.)
Interesting News today… but the headlines tell it all…
Is Silver Ready to Move Higher?
A Speculation: Gold Prepares To Make Yet Another All Time High
Something Big is Brewing
Nothing Has Changed, Gold Is Still Going to Dominate
BUT - THIS you’ve got to see!!!
Dear Reader, I’m adding a new section to the SilverNews Web Page called Background / Education to include some of the great foundational educational pieces helping us to un-derstand the role of Truth and Reality in all this Mess. One of the best pieces I’ve found is:
THE LAW - by Frederic Bastiat
From The Introduction - by Walter Williams
Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.
“I must have been forty years old before reading Frederic Bastiat’s classic The Law. An anonymous person, to whom I shall eternally be in debt, mailed me an unsolicited copy. Af-ter reading the book I was convinced that a liberal-arts education without an encounter with Bastiat is incomplete. Reading Bastiat made me keenly aware of all the time wasted, along with the frustrations of going down one blind alley after another, organizing my philosophy of life. The Law did not produce a philosophical conversion for me as much as it created or-der in my thinking about liberty and just human conduct.
"Many philosophers have made important contributions to the discourse on liberty, Bastiat among them. But Bastiat’s greatest contribution is that he took the discourse out of the ivory tower and made ideas on liberty so clear that even the unlettered can understand them and statists cannot obfuscate them. Clarity is crucial to persuading our fellowman of the moral superiority of personal liberty.
"Like others, Bastiat recognized that the greatest single threat to liberty is government. Notice the clarity he employs to help us identify and understand evil government acts such as legal-ized plunder. Bastiat says, “See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.” ….
Read also the Afterword for more about it. Download it. Keep it. Read it to your kids. It might be the only taste of intellectual reality they get on the subject for quite a while.
That's it for now.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
August 07, 2010; Saturday, 9:15 AM
Ali’s Daily Perusing of Contemporary Web News - #7
(Please browse through the five previous articles in the archives section of my SilverNews Web Page to get caught up on my reasons fro doing this and my thanks to you for indulging me.)
Good AM, News Buffs…
The day starts with this one.
John Williams: Approaching the Abyss - http://www.theaureport.com/pub/na/7009
ShadowStats.com Editor John Williams—to whom many Gold Report contributors look for honest data on the economy that they can trust—sees sure signs of an accelerating downward economic spiral that will lead to almost unimaginable hyperinflation in the U.S. As he says in this exclusive interview, we're in for "a much rougher time than they had in Zimbabwe," because we'll have no black market currencies around to prevent the cessation of normal commerce.
How’s That for good news to start you day?. Oh, well. Better forewarned and prepared than surprised, disappointed and taken aback.
TIP! By the way, are you listening to SOMAFM in the background while you’re doing your computin’? Huh? http://somafm.com/ - Smart folks from San Francisco. They have several channels for your taste but I recommend the one called Suburbs of Goa.
Here’s an extremely informative and well-presented documentary called, The Secret of OZ - This a Sequel to "The Money Masters;" A Brilliant Expose on the Engineered Downfall of the American Economy and how it was perceived by L. Frank Baum, author of “The Wizard of OZ”. Bet you never knew…. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcyMjM1MjE2.html
The Archive section of Activist Post is certainly worth a gander –
Of particular interest is this new (2009) film called Collapse. Watch the preview at the bottom of this page. Buy it. Watch it. It’s time to take it seriously, folks. Dare to Prepare.
The National Inflation Association has released a video report about Japan's "Lost Dec-ade" of deflation and how it relates to the U.S. economy. 'Japan: America's Lost Decade' is the most comprehensive video ever produced about Japan's deflationary crisis of the 1990s. It proves that America is more likely to experience hyperinflation this decade and not deflation like Japan. NIA is mentioned on my main page as a substantial contributor and this is yet another example. http://inflation.us/videos.html
Gotta mention Ed Steer’s Daily again. His picks for readable articles in the second half are usually pretty good reading, and you gotta like his attitude. You can read it daily at http://www.caseyresearch.com/displayGsd.php - but I subscribe. It’s free.
Be sure to take a quick gander at Before It’s News: Gold and Silver section.
That’s it for now. Let me know if I can help you convert cash to silver. The best places to buy are list on my SilveNews web page. http://www.surrenderworks.com/silvernews
Have a great day.
See ya Monday,
(Please browse through the five previous articles in the archives section of my SilverNews Web Page to get caught up on my reasons fro doing this and my thanks to you for indulging me.)
Good AM, News Buffs…
The day starts with this one.
John Williams: Approaching the Abyss - http://www.theaureport.com/pub/na/7009
ShadowStats.com Editor John Williams—to whom many Gold Report contributors look for honest data on the economy that they can trust—sees sure signs of an accelerating downward economic spiral that will lead to almost unimaginable hyperinflation in the U.S. As he says in this exclusive interview, we're in for "a much rougher time than they had in Zimbabwe," because we'll have no black market currencies around to prevent the cessation of normal commerce.
How’s That for good news to start you day?. Oh, well. Better forewarned and prepared than surprised, disappointed and taken aback.
TIP! By the way, are you listening to SOMAFM in the background while you’re doing your computin’? Huh? http://somafm.com/ - Smart folks from San Francisco. They have several channels for your taste but I recommend the one called Suburbs of Goa.
Here’s an extremely informative and well-presented documentary called, The Secret of OZ - This a Sequel to "The Money Masters;" A Brilliant Expose on the Engineered Downfall of the American Economy and how it was perceived by L. Frank Baum, author of “The Wizard of OZ”. Bet you never knew…. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcyMjM1MjE2.html
The Archive section of Activist Post is certainly worth a gander –
Of particular interest is this new (2009) film called Collapse. Watch the preview at the bottom of this page. Buy it. Watch it. It’s time to take it seriously, folks. Dare to Prepare.
The National Inflation Association has released a video report about Japan's "Lost Dec-ade" of deflation and how it relates to the U.S. economy. 'Japan: America's Lost Decade' is the most comprehensive video ever produced about Japan's deflationary crisis of the 1990s. It proves that America is more likely to experience hyperinflation this decade and not deflation like Japan. NIA is mentioned on my main page as a substantial contributor and this is yet another example. http://inflation.us/videos.html
Gotta mention Ed Steer’s Daily again. His picks for readable articles in the second half are usually pretty good reading, and you gotta like his attitude. You can read it daily at http://www.caseyresearch.com/displayGsd.php - but I subscribe. It’s free.
Be sure to take a quick gander at Before It’s News: Gold and Silver section.
That’s it for now. Let me know if I can help you convert cash to silver. The best places to buy are list on my SilveNews web page. http://www.surrenderworks.com/silvernews
Have a great day.
See ya Monday,
Thursday, August 05, 2010
August 5, 2010; Thursday, 9AM
Ali’s Daily Perusing of Contemporary Web News - #6
(Please browse through the five previous articles in the archives section of my SilverNews Web Page to get caught up on my reasons fro doing this and my thanks to you for indulging me.)
Starting off with a Bang! This just in from TOPDOCS - Worthy of your review.
Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?
And this from Marianne Williamson on HuffPost
Millennium Development Goals: Love in Action
Even thought it seems to be fluctuating wildly (well, within $.70), there is still a notice-able incline in the price of Silver. Where else can it go, really? Ed Steer says this (among so much else), “Well, JPMorgan et al made it perfectly clear to all those who were watch-ing, that they aren't going to let things fly to the upside until they're darn good and ready. The attack on silver after the London p.m. gold fix was particularly vicious. ”
This is in reference to the well known control that JPM has over the profitable manipulation of the silver market. Which by the way, is destined to stop, thereby triggering a massive (and justly so) increase in silver value to its true worth which can only be speculated, but it’s way, way more that current day spot. That, dear reader, is what us “Savers” are counting on, and one of the main reasons why we are in the process of buying as much as possible, as soon as possible. Which, again, is what I’m recommending fro the double reason that the dollar economy is doomed and there is no reason for us to lose our security, and the silver market has yet to boom, promising considerable increase in wealth for the astute and observant. That’s it in a nutshell.
To emphasize Ed’s newsletter, which is one of the two I highly recommend for its amiable readability and up-to-date info, I’m going to list this link daily as a reminder. It’s called Ed Steer’s Gold and Silver Daily and is a part of Casey Research.
It seems this AM that Silver is trying again to climb to its rightful position. How long will it continue until it gets squashed again? Who know but probably no long. Let’s wait and see.
Continuing to peruse:
Activist Post (rapidly becoming my #1 interesting spot) scores again with several inter-esting headlines. http://www.activistpost.com/
‘Before it’s News’ has also some interesting headlines – worth a look
MineWeb today published another excellent analysis by Lawrence Williams, this one about China's impact on the financial markets - http://www.gata.org/node/8889
It is especially compelling in light of the Bloomberg News report from Beijing just dis-patched. http://www.gata.org/node/8888
If you have some extra time and interest, I always recommend FOFOA. Read up on some of his back articles. http://fofoa.blogspot.com/
This is all about educating ourselves and keeping current with the day-to-day events and some of the history leading to some soon-to-be historic changes in global and national economy which will, more or less dramatically, affect us all. The idea is that the more knowledgeable and prepared we are the better off we’ll be and able to help others rather than standing in need of help ourselves. The gist of this message is to tend to your security. So stay with me on this. Get your security out of the realm of ‘maybe’ and into something real. Physical Silver seems to be the best bet.
The three companies I buy from are listed at the top of my SilveNews web page.
That’s it for today. Call me if you want to discuss anything.
(Please browse through the five previous articles in the archives section of my SilverNews Web Page to get caught up on my reasons fro doing this and my thanks to you for indulging me.)
Starting off with a Bang! This just in from TOPDOCS - Worthy of your review.
Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?
And this from Marianne Williamson on HuffPost
Millennium Development Goals: Love in Action
Even thought it seems to be fluctuating wildly (well, within $.70), there is still a notice-able incline in the price of Silver. Where else can it go, really? Ed Steer says this (among so much else), “Well, JPMorgan et al made it perfectly clear to all those who were watch-ing, that they aren't going to let things fly to the upside until they're darn good and ready. The attack on silver after the London p.m. gold fix was particularly vicious. ”
This is in reference to the well known control that JPM has over the profitable manipulation of the silver market. Which by the way, is destined to stop, thereby triggering a massive (and justly so) increase in silver value to its true worth which can only be speculated, but it’s way, way more that current day spot. That, dear reader, is what us “Savers” are counting on, and one of the main reasons why we are in the process of buying as much as possible, as soon as possible. Which, again, is what I’m recommending fro the double reason that the dollar economy is doomed and there is no reason for us to lose our security, and the silver market has yet to boom, promising considerable increase in wealth for the astute and observant. That’s it in a nutshell.
To emphasize Ed’s newsletter, which is one of the two I highly recommend for its amiable readability and up-to-date info, I’m going to list this link daily as a reminder. It’s called Ed Steer’s Gold and Silver Daily and is a part of Casey Research.
It seems this AM that Silver is trying again to climb to its rightful position. How long will it continue until it gets squashed again? Who know but probably no long. Let’s wait and see.
Continuing to peruse:
Activist Post (rapidly becoming my #1 interesting spot) scores again with several inter-esting headlines. http://www.activistpost.com/
‘Before it’s News’ has also some interesting headlines – worth a look
MineWeb today published another excellent analysis by Lawrence Williams, this one about China's impact on the financial markets - http://www.gata.org/node/8889
It is especially compelling in light of the Bloomberg News report from Beijing just dis-patched. http://www.gata.org/node/8888
If you have some extra time and interest, I always recommend FOFOA. Read up on some of his back articles. http://fofoa.blogspot.com/
This is all about educating ourselves and keeping current with the day-to-day events and some of the history leading to some soon-to-be historic changes in global and national economy which will, more or less dramatically, affect us all. The idea is that the more knowledgeable and prepared we are the better off we’ll be and able to help others rather than standing in need of help ourselves. The gist of this message is to tend to your security. So stay with me on this. Get your security out of the realm of ‘maybe’ and into something real. Physical Silver seems to be the best bet.
The three companies I buy from are listed at the top of my SilveNews web page.
That’s it for today. Call me if you want to discuss anything.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
August 4, 2010; Wednesday, 2PM
Daily Perusing – A review of interesting News Of The Day gleaned from the websites listed on my SilverNew web page –http://www.surrenderworks.com/silvernews
From Ali Ansari – Carbondale, Illinois; 618-698-8001
Dear Reader: nothing spectacular today but some article of interest are:
HuffPost –
on Foreclosures:
The Deadly Neurotoxin Nearly EVERYONE Uses Daily:
Body Scan Images From Security Checkpoints Were Saved By Feds:
Activist Post –
Cancer cells slurp up fructose, U.S. study finds
My usual listed news sources are worth a browse, but I find most of today’s submissions rather hi-tech and probably not of immediate interest to you. Biggest news is that China has entered into the gold market big time and has no faith in (will eventually dump) US Treasuries….. Ho Hum
As I promised yesterday, more about FOFOA today. There is a very fine explanation of and introduction to the work of “Another” to be found here. It really IS a very interesting story. At least read the introduction to get a feel for the work of FOFOA.
Also, you might be interested to pay bit of attention to a video interview done by Ed Griffin (19980) with Norman Dodd. Norman Dodd was the head of a senate commission to investigate the motives of several of the larger non-profit “benevolent” organizations, and what he uncovered is really profound, amazing and hard to believe. But it’s worth understanding, ‘cause it helps us to understand part of how we’re in the fix we’re in as an economy and a nation. The video link is here. There are transcripts here and here. But listen to the interview. It’s worth it.
For those of you who are new and as a review for the ‘old-timers’ (Yeah! FIVE issues today!), I’d like to restate the purpose of this newsletter, and cite some article leading me to want to do this.
There is no doubt that the US Economy is in the most precarious position ever. The consistent overlooking of real justice in favor of corruption and greed has left us in a virtually irreparable situation and all indications say that we’re going down and a spectacular and dramatic (if not tragic for many) way.
For most of us there is precious little we can do about except to be forewarned and well prepared. Part of this preparation is the withdrawal of any capital fund we may have invested in the now crashing eco-nomic system. This means EVERYTHING, at ANY cost. PAY the taxes. Pay the fines, but by no means leave anything behind. This will prove to be your wisest move under the circumstances, as I’ll explain to you gradually.
As a result of the inevitable devaluation of the dollar, and as a result of 6,000 years of human history, the values of gold and silver are resurfacing in the common mind. Even though the big money people have for centuries known about this and been attempting to own it all, there is still sufficient to go around and secure the financial stability of those wise enough to extract there cash while they can and purchase therewith as much physical silver as possible at any current price. I have recommendations.
This is not something to think about and “consider your options”. This is the only option and I encourage you to do it right now! I hate to be the one breaking it to you, but I sincerely believe that if you agree with this, you can stay happy and secure as opposed to possibly disappointed and desperate.
That is the purpose of my newsletter: to inform you of current and past articles evidencing this current event and the necessity of taking action right now. Of course, if you have no invested savings then in a way you have nothing to lose and maybe no action is necessary. But you surely have friend to whom you can bring this news and help with the extraction of their funds and the purchase therewith of real wealth. You may ask, “Why silver? Why not Gold”? And I’m happy to explain why silver is estimated to be 4 times the investment potential of gold and that gold will always appreciate, but it has already boomed whereas silver has not. It has reached an increasing plateau, but silver has not yet. Silver is however destined to explode at any time due to a variety of reasons which I’ll try to enumerate in com-ing issues and which you can discover for yourself if you are interested and follow the leads I provide.
One of the shortest and most concise statements of position/attitude is called “Chimps, Chumps and Champs” by FOFOA. It can be found here. Another slightly longer and a bit more detailed is called “The Debtors and the Savers” and it can be found here.
I sincerely hope you enjoy these easily deletable daily missives and will stay with me towards a peaceful and secure outcome. Please feel free to call or discuss this with anyone. My only interest is yours and my personal security in what are undoubtedly going to be very tumultuous times.
This article along with the others will be posted in the archives section of my SilverNews web page, at
Lots of love and peace to you all
From Ali Ansari – Carbondale, Illinois; 618-698-8001
Dear Reader: nothing spectacular today but some article of interest are:
HuffPost –
on Foreclosures:
The Deadly Neurotoxin Nearly EVERYONE Uses Daily:
Body Scan Images From Security Checkpoints Were Saved By Feds:
Activist Post –
Cancer cells slurp up fructose, U.S. study finds
My usual listed news sources are worth a browse, but I find most of today’s submissions rather hi-tech and probably not of immediate interest to you. Biggest news is that China has entered into the gold market big time and has no faith in (will eventually dump) US Treasuries….. Ho Hum
As I promised yesterday, more about FOFOA today. There is a very fine explanation of and introduction to the work of “Another” to be found here. It really IS a very interesting story. At least read the introduction to get a feel for the work of FOFOA.
Also, you might be interested to pay bit of attention to a video interview done by Ed Griffin (19980) with Norman Dodd. Norman Dodd was the head of a senate commission to investigate the motives of several of the larger non-profit “benevolent” organizations, and what he uncovered is really profound, amazing and hard to believe. But it’s worth understanding, ‘cause it helps us to understand part of how we’re in the fix we’re in as an economy and a nation. The video link is here. There are transcripts here and here. But listen to the interview. It’s worth it.
For those of you who are new and as a review for the ‘old-timers’ (Yeah! FIVE issues today!), I’d like to restate the purpose of this newsletter, and cite some article leading me to want to do this.
There is no doubt that the US Economy is in the most precarious position ever. The consistent overlooking of real justice in favor of corruption and greed has left us in a virtually irreparable situation and all indications say that we’re going down and a spectacular and dramatic (if not tragic for many) way.
For most of us there is precious little we can do about except to be forewarned and well prepared. Part of this preparation is the withdrawal of any capital fund we may have invested in the now crashing eco-nomic system. This means EVERYTHING, at ANY cost. PAY the taxes. Pay the fines, but by no means leave anything behind. This will prove to be your wisest move under the circumstances, as I’ll explain to you gradually.
As a result of the inevitable devaluation of the dollar, and as a result of 6,000 years of human history, the values of gold and silver are resurfacing in the common mind. Even though the big money people have for centuries known about this and been attempting to own it all, there is still sufficient to go around and secure the financial stability of those wise enough to extract there cash while they can and purchase therewith as much physical silver as possible at any current price. I have recommendations.
This is not something to think about and “consider your options”. This is the only option and I encourage you to do it right now! I hate to be the one breaking it to you, but I sincerely believe that if you agree with this, you can stay happy and secure as opposed to possibly disappointed and desperate.
That is the purpose of my newsletter: to inform you of current and past articles evidencing this current event and the necessity of taking action right now. Of course, if you have no invested savings then in a way you have nothing to lose and maybe no action is necessary. But you surely have friend to whom you can bring this news and help with the extraction of their funds and the purchase therewith of real wealth. You may ask, “Why silver? Why not Gold”? And I’m happy to explain why silver is estimated to be 4 times the investment potential of gold and that gold will always appreciate, but it has already boomed whereas silver has not. It has reached an increasing plateau, but silver has not yet. Silver is however destined to explode at any time due to a variety of reasons which I’ll try to enumerate in com-ing issues and which you can discover for yourself if you are interested and follow the leads I provide.
One of the shortest and most concise statements of position/attitude is called “Chimps, Chumps and Champs” by FOFOA. It can be found here. Another slightly longer and a bit more detailed is called “The Debtors and the Savers” and it can be found here.
I sincerely hope you enjoy these easily deletable daily missives and will stay with me towards a peaceful and secure outcome. Please feel free to call or discuss this with anyone. My only interest is yours and my personal security in what are undoubtedly going to be very tumultuous times.
This article along with the others will be posted in the archives section of my SilverNews web page, at
Lots of love and peace to you all
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