"The dream of the Gold investor is to have a Gold Standard. But I tell you before we have a gold standard, we will have a silver standard - that will come when people all over the world recognize that based upon rarity and supply/demand... silver has more value than gold." ~ The Silver warcry
From Ed Steer's...
"Bill Buckler, publisher of The Privateer, has released one of the most scathing critiques of paper money we have read to date..." Zerohedge has published a huge portion of Bill Buckler's latest edition of The Privateer. I cannot overemphasize how important it is for you to read this. The link is here.
Alan Greenspan gave a speech saying that "Fiat money has no place to go but gold". Bill Buckler had this must read commentary about Greenspan's speech...
"By definition, a political and financial establishment are the rulers of the nation they inhabit. In a “democratic” nation like the US, the people get to “vote”. But who writes the party platforms and picks the candidates for the major political parties, the only parties which stand any chance of forming a government? And who sets up the campaigning and voting rules to make sure that they ARE the only parties which stand any chance of forming a government?"
"The more established an establishment becomes, the fewer the REAL differences between the parties vying for the vote. There was a time when there was a marked difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in the US (or the Coalition and Labor in Australia). That time has long since passed. For many decades now, the only choice available in elections has been which party to put in charge of the borrowing and spending. This policy is carved in granite and has been for almost a century."
"The first prerequisite to political power is the ability to control what is used as money. Without that, an establishment cannot be formed because the means for its sustenance cannot be taxed to the extent necessary and cannot be created out of thin air at all. Everybody in the US establishment and in every other establishment in the world knows this and has always known it."
"Long before Alan Greenspan developed the urge to join the establishment, he understood this and warned against it. Once he DID decide to join the establishment, he turned his undoubted talents to sustaining the economic and financial ignorance of the governed. He was uniquely successful in this task, but he knew it couldn’t last. That is what he was telling the members of the CFR on September 15th. But he was preaching to the converted. They know it too. And that is their overriding problem. The jig is up. The “sting” is no longer working."
"All over the world, financial markets are clinging to the only things they “know” because they dread to discover that there is no real substance to their “knowledge”. In the US, the establishment knows that their free ride is coming to an end. They have waxed fat on their ability to create the world’s reserve currency out of thin air for many decades. From the “excess”, they have kept their nation in line by the usual means of “bread and circuses”. Now, the system they created has broken down and they know it."
- Bill Buckler, The Privateer... 19 September 2010
Please read those five paragraphs over and over again, until you 'get it'. I consider those five paragraphs to be the most important ones I've read in almost ten years. ~ES
Buckler says the following at the beginning of every weekly "Gold This Week" commentary that he writes..."
"In any discussion of the future of Gold, or of the price of Gold, the first thing that must be realized is that Gold is a political metal. In the true meaning of the word, its price is "governed".
"This is so for the very simple reason that Gold, in its historical role as a currency, is fundamentally incompatible with the modern worldwide financial system.
"Up until August 15, 1971, there has never in history been an era when no paper currency was linked to Gold. The history of money is replete with instances of coin clipping, printing, debt defaults, and the other attendant ills of currency debasement. In all other eras of history, people could always escape to other currencies, whose Gold backing remained intact. But since 1971, there is no escape because no paper currency has any link to Gold.
"All of the economic, monetary, and financial upheaval of the past 30 years is a direct result of this fact.
"The global paper currency system is very young. It depends for its continued functioning on the belief that the debt upon which it is based will, someday, be repaid. The one thing, above all others, that could shake that faith, and therefore the foundations of the modern financial system itself, is a rise (especially a sharp rise) in the U.S. Dollar price of Gold."
What is exceptional about America is its limited government tradition and moving away from this is wrong, inefficient, and yes, un-American. ~ TM-Daily Bell; 9/19/10
"The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups." ~ Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” ~ Ludwig von Mises – austrian economist (1881- 1973)
"Power is protean because it must suppress that impulse toward liberty that exists in the hearts of all people. The impulse is there, tacitly waiting for the consciousness to dawn. When it does, power doesn’t stand a chance." Murray Rothbard @ Lew Rockwell; 12/31/04
"The global banksters, including the Chinese banksters, who are 100% in on the game, use gold to control the paper money system. There is no intention to replace paper money. The game is to dilute the common person and lock debt levels. There is no strategy to end debt. Why would the banksters want to end debt just as rates are set to soar, set to make the average person almost a financial slave?" ~ Stewart Thomson, Graceland Updates