Notable Quotes 1

Ordinary tyranny, oppression, excessive taxation... these bear lightly onthe happiness ofthe mass of the community, compared with fraudulent currencies and therobberies committed by depreciated paper. - Daniel Webster

“What we see here is one of the greatest, least loved, and least recognized primary bull markets in history…. This great gold bull market is something that one sees maybe once or twice in a lifetime.” - Richard Russell, September 2010

"The Western commercial system exists to extract more from consumers than it supplies in products and services. Its goal is profit and has never been to improve the human condition but to exploit it. When governments institutionalize this system, they place their nations on suicidal paths, because as Jefferson recognized, "Merchants have no country." It is not terrorism that threatens the security of the Western World, it is the Western World's commercial system." ~ John Kozy: Global Research

"Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men's protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values."
- Atlas Shrugged

"The underlying flaw in all the negative gold rhetoric currently is the notion that the world economy is going to return to normal in the reasonably near future. Then, in a world where growth is restored and inflation remains under control, the need for gold will be diminished and investment demand for it will drop off precipitously, putting considerable downward pressure on the price. I think the probability of that happening in this debt bloated world is about as close to zero as humanly possible." ~ John Embry; Investor's Digest - 8-27-2010

"All over the world, financial markets are clinging to the only things they “know” because they dread to discover that there is no real substance to their “knowledge”. In the US, the establishment knows that their free ride is coming to an end. They have waxed fat on their ability to create the world’s reserve currency out of thin air for many decades. From the “excess”, they have kept their nation in line by the usual means of “bread and circuses”. Now, the system they created has broken down and they know it." ~Bill Buckler, The Privateer; 19 September 2010 (Full Article Here)

In today's monetary plane, enormous amounts of wealth are held as "someone else's thoughts of value" not value itself. And as ANOTHER once said, "time moves the minds of people to change, and with this, the thoughts of value also change. In this day, as not in the past, the loss of paper value as a concept will destroy the very foundation of wealth that this economic system is built on. This drama has started and is well underway!" ~

"The gold derivatives pyramid is a vigorous free market creature. It cannot be put down with a simple declaration that the paper is no longer redeemable in gold, as governments did with currency. It is a short selling scheme that has become a trap from which few short sellers will escape. Paper claims in the form of derivatives far exceed the underlying physical metal on which they are based. The trust, which balances this new pyramid, is based on false assumptions and lack of information. Paper gold claims have proliferated at a pace rivaling any government printing press. A surfeit of paper gold has driven down the price of the physical on which it is based." ~ John Hathaway; FOFOA