The idea of our buyer's club is to cooperatively purchases mint-sealed boxes of 25 tubes (a roll) of 20 American Silver Eagles at wholesale prices as soon as the required cost is met by members. One roll is one share. 25 shares are required to make a purchase.
You may pay (in advance) for as many shares as you like at the stated rate. The cost per share will be announced at each offering. It will always be just under what it would cost to buy a single roll from Gainesville, (who are the price leaders and a popular, highly rated company to buy from if you cannot afford bulk.)
The cost per share will be based on the projected trend so that when the purchase fund is completed (each week or sooner), the price will not have exceeded our expectations.
The deadline for this week's purchase at 550 is Monday Noon, Oct. 18th, and it is now full. If you have an urgent consideration, call me.
The deadline for next week's purchase (if we have one) should be Monday Noon, Oct. 25th, or, as soon as another 25 shares become available! The Monday deadline simply means I must receive your checks or cash by then to make the deposit on Monday before 2pm so that we can make the purchase on Tuesday.
Next offering's shares will likely be between 575 and 600.
Based on recent performance, it is reasonable to expect the spot price of silver to rise a dollar a week for quite some time. It may be faster. It may be slower. A box bought in early July for 9.8 (k) sells now for 13.3 and rising. That's roughly a grand a month. So for a long time, no matter what the price, it will always be a good deal to buy. That's why we form the buyer's club! As we acquire small investment capital we can contribute it to the next purchase, always assuring the best price for the time.
We form the club to help our retail investors acquire at wholesale rates! If you have enough to buy your own box, do it now on your own. Buy only from Tulving. If you need help, call me. I'll help you.