Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010; Monday, 3 pm
Taking an early look at Kitco for today reveals an impressive upswing of S&G spots. We’ll know why later, I’m sure.
Here’s an informative video on Fixing the Economy: State owned Banks from Ellen Brown. Ellen Brown is that acclaimed author of “Web of Debt” (Google it for related blogs, videos, etc.)
Here’s an interesting review clearly and concisely relating the suppression of hemp to the collapse of the economy. It also suggests that reversion to hemp production might be the means of survival, bringing up not just industrial and agricultural uses, but food and nutritional value as well. It’s two pages and a bit of a read, but if you want a review of the essentials and another reality check, here it is.
Some of you may be wondering what the fuss over the president’s birth status is all about. This video states the case pretty clearly.

I’d lie to clarify my view a bit on the relationship between G&S and politics.

The long term decline and seemingly inevitable collapse of the Washington empire - which in itself is the product of centuries of greed and scheming from the ancient temples of the nefarious Money Masters/Changers - is directly related to the current prices of gold and silver (PM’s or Precious Metals).

As the value of the dollar decreases to nothing, the values of gold and silver, which throughout the history of the world have always been ‘real’ money - so it might be said that that is the purpose of their existence - increases (to ‘everything’).

Knowing this by virtue of the traditions handed down from the earliest Philosophers of Monopoly, the powers that be in the world of high finance are seeking to benefit from their efforts 1) to use all the power they have to control the values of G&S relative to the dollar, and 2) to keep it a secret for as long as possible.

This begs the questions of why and how.

Why: The longer the value of the dollar can remain inflated (over true value), the longer the ‘economy’, such as it is, remains intact, and the less fear is spread among the people, thereby avoiding ‘runs on the bank’, so to speak, and, more importantly, runs on gold and silver. This allows for more time to gain further leverage, riches and control, thereby in theory, ensuring the survival of themselves and their posterity through selfsame collapse, which they, under another hat, are financing and engineering. (The old ‘survival of the fittest’ routine that serves them as their substitute for faith in God).

How: by buying and selling their vast investments in these markets (G&S) rapidly at volumes no one else can approach (these are the ‘bullion banks’, controlled by the CB’s [Central Banks] of the various nations). When they see the ‘prices’ rising, as they naturally must, they buy or sell, as the case may be, to keep the prices down, thereby maintaining the illusion (for the masses) of a more or less ‘stable’ economy (for reasons mentioned above).

The maintenance of this illusion for as long as possible is one of the central reasons for the power-grab over the Internet, which, through exposure, is the only tool capable of their destruction, other that nature itself.

Admittedly, there is much more to it than that, but that should suffice as a primer to what’s actually happening.

There are two bits of good news to all this - the total and disastrous collapse of the national economy notwithstanding.
1) The prices (of silver, at any rate) are still affordable to those lucky enough to have savings and smart enough to take them out of the banks and invest them into the physical possession of Silver), and
2) IT’S GONNA END, AND SOON!! They cannot keep it up and they know it. That’s why all the nations and CB’s are going for the gold! Read the previously posted article, The Best Gold Interview of 2010 - If it's no longer there, you can get it here.

Let’s be clear on one fact. This current state of affairs, this empire, was NOT the point and purpose of the Great American Experiment. In fact, the possibility and even the inevitability of this kind of takeover was clearly predicted and warned against by numerous of the founding fathers* and many of the more recent presidents including John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Dwight David Eisenhower. Please review these ever-significant videos of these two presidents stating the facts clearly for all to hear.
Also to be found under ‘Educational Videos’ on this blog.

On the contrary, we now exist in a national empire the avoidance of which was one of the main reasons for our founding fathers, authors of the Declaration of Independence, writing The Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights. We enjoyed freedom and prosperity, as well as the respect of nations, for nearly two centuries, all the while the bankers and their progeny were scheming to take it away from us, and now it looks like they’ve succeeded. But God is always Supreme, and all revelations tell us of the plotters and schemers that “They plan and God plans. And surely God is the best of planners.”

So enjoy your ill-gotten gains at the expense and live of millions for a short while. And enjoy your belief that this life is all there is and that there is no judgment on your purely evil intentions. Surely you shall taste the consequences of your deeds, and all your plotting and planning will come to no avail.

*“Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.” William Penn

*“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
– Thomas Jefferson

OK! That’s my brief intro to “what and why”, and what I think of it all.
Hope I’m not boring you.


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