Monday, August 09, 2010

August 9, 2010; Monday, 9 AM

Ali’s News of Silver, Gold and the Economy- #8

(Please browse through the previous articles in the archives section of my SilverNews Web Page to get caught up on my reasons for doing this and my thanks to you for indulging me.)

Interesting News today… but the headlines tell it all…

Is Silver Ready to Move Higher?

A Speculation: Gold Prepares To Make Yet Another All Time High

Something Big is Brewing

Nothing Has Changed, Gold Is Still Going to Dominate

BUT - THIS you’ve got to see!!!

Dear Reader, I’m adding a new section to the SilverNews Web Page called Background / Education to include some of the great foundational educational pieces helping us to un-derstand the role of Truth and Reality in all this Mess. One of the best pieces I’ve found is:

THE LAW - by Frederic Bastiat

From The Introduction - by Walter Williams
Walter E. Williams is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.

“I must have been forty years old before reading Frederic Bastiat’s classic The Law. An anonymous person, to whom I shall eternally be in debt, mailed me an unsolicited copy. Af-ter reading the book I was convinced that a liberal-arts education without an encounter with Bastiat is incomplete. Reading Bastiat made me keenly aware of all the time wasted, along with the frustrations of going down one blind alley after another, organizing my philosophy of life. The Law did not produce a philosophical conversion for me as much as it created or-der in my thinking about liberty and just human conduct.

"Many philosophers have made important contributions to the discourse on liberty, Bastiat among them. But Bastiat’s greatest contribution is that he took the discourse out of the ivory tower and made ideas on liberty so clear that even the unlettered can understand them and statists cannot obfuscate them. Clarity is crucial to persuading our fellowman of the moral superiority of personal liberty.

"Like others, Bastiat recognized that the greatest single threat to liberty is government. Notice the clarity he employs to help us identify and understand evil government acts such as legal-ized plunder. Bastiat says, “See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.” ….

Read also the Afterword for more about it. Download it. Keep it. Read it to your kids. It might be the only taste of intellectual reality they get on the subject for quite a while.

That's it for now.

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