And today we have another treat from FOFOA called “Relativity: What is Physical Gold REALLY Worth?” I have yet to read it but some people really know their stuff and enjoy teaching. He (or She?) is undoubtedly one of those people.
I got my first taste of FOFOA from reading the July 7th article entitled “The Debtors and the Savers” – which can be found at - I did a PDF here. It is a penultimate position/attitude statement much the same as “Chimps, Champs and Chumps”, but more elaborate in detail.
A bit of history: FOFOA means Friend of a Friend of Another. This piqued my curiosity. It turns out that ‘Another” was an actual anonymous educator in strategies of high finance with specific focus on the Gold and Silver Market and the how’s and why’s of its corruption and manipulation. A kind of Whistleblower who soon became highly respected and to the best of my inadequate knowledge remained anonymous. FOA (Friend of another) was the same kind of person who supported, commented on and added to the work of “Another”. Mind you this is just my brief understanding and I clearly do not have all the facts. Anyway these two people did a lot for the education of the layperson and obviously FOFOA is following along in the same vein. At any rate, their posts are always interesting and informative, if you’re into this sort of thing. I’ll be writing more about this interesting educational stream later.
Dave in Denver from “The Golden Truth” has something to say today. It’s brief and worth a visit.
And again, as it seems always, “Activist Post” is worth a visit.
“Before it’s News”? Take a look at the headlines. See if anything piques your interest. It didn’t mine but I might read something later.
GATA is always interesting and informative, but you gotta know something about what they’re talking about but it requires some worthwhile time and study if you’re really into it.
And again, King World News has some easier to understand new articles worth a look.
Summary: Looks like FOFOA is the interesting read of the day, folks. Silver started this AM below 18.40 and in the last hour is jumping all over the chart. But you know that our attitude is independent of the fluctuations on any scale or chart. Our long-term position is simply “buy now, as much as you can as cheap as you can”, ‘cause the small time changes are nothing compared to the long-term inevitabilities.
The best two newsletters I’ve found from the pro’s are: Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Daily and Casey Research.
Hope that’s brief and informative, as I promised. Please feel free to pass it along to anyone else who might be interested in such things and thanks again for you indulgence in my little folly.
The four earlier newsletters can be revisited in the archives section of my SilverNews web page.
Yours Sincerely
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