Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11, 2010; Wednesday, 12PM

Greetings and Ramadan Mubarrak, Dear Reader.

Did you notice the unveiling of the 'World's Largest Clock?"

Not to be outdone by the English, and a few hundred years too late, our friends in Arabia have unveiled 'Big Bin", the 'Son of Ben'. Oh, You'll LOVE This!

And now back to stuff that matters:

Again, Activist Post ( comes up with some winners today. A full slate of pertinent articles, among which are these

Reagan Insider: 'GOP destroyed economy'
A new take on what’s happening.

And, get this…
‘Why hemp could save the world’

From ‘Truth in Gold’,
Obama's Dangerously and Rapidly Expanding Government
“The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence...The only proper functions of a government are: the police, to protect you from criminals; the army, to protect you from foreign invaders; and the courts, to protect your property and contracts from breach or fraud by others, to set-tle disputes by rational rules, according to objective law.” (John Galt, "Atlas Shrugged").

...“One more point of rant today. The FOMC announced today that the Fed will be buying more Treasury debt to help support the economy. Can someone please explain to me how enabling the Government to borrow even more money actually supports the economy? The only way you can hope to protect yourself against the abuses of the Obama Government and corrupt banking system he enables is to move as much of your wealth as possible into physical gold and silver and some into mining stocks.

And Again, ‘Before It’s News’ – Gold and Silver Section, has more confirming article of varied interest.

Discovered this on ‘The Daily Reckoning’.
Ready, Set, Gold! Best Months Are Just Ahead
And where Gold goes, silver is sure to follow…

That’s it for today. Review again yesterday’s letter. It’s a recurrent and central theme well worth understanding. I now have a Blog on Blogspot,
where the article can be read and reviewed (and commented on).


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