Wednesday, August 04, 2010

August 4, 2010; Wednesday, 2PM

Daily Perusing – A review of interesting News Of The Day gleaned from the websites listed on my SilverNew web page –
From Ali Ansari – Carbondale, Illinois; 618-698-8001

Dear Reader: nothing spectacular today but some article of interest are:

HuffPost –
on Foreclosures:

The Deadly Neurotoxin Nearly EVERYONE Uses Daily:

Body Scan Images From Security Checkpoints Were Saved By Feds:

Activist Post –
Cancer cells slurp up fructose, U.S. study finds

My usual listed news sources are worth a browse, but I find most of today’s submissions rather hi-tech and probably not of immediate interest to you. Biggest news is that China has entered into the gold market big time and has no faith in (will eventually dump) US Treasuries….. Ho Hum

As I promised yesterday, more about FOFOA today. There is a very fine explanation of and introduction to the work of “Another” to be found here. It really IS a very interesting story. At least read the introduction to get a feel for the work of FOFOA.

Also, you might be interested to pay bit of attention to a video interview done by Ed Griffin (19980) with Norman Dodd. Norman Dodd was the head of a senate commission to investigate the motives of several of the larger non-profit “benevolent” organizations, and what he uncovered is really profound, amazing and hard to believe. But it’s worth understanding, ‘cause it helps us to understand part of how we’re in the fix we’re in as an economy and a nation. The video link is here. There are transcripts here and here. But listen to the interview. It’s worth it.

For those of you who are new and as a review for the ‘old-timers’ (Yeah! FIVE issues today!), I’d like to restate the purpose of this newsletter, and cite some article leading me to want to do this.

There is no doubt that the US Economy is in the most precarious position ever. The consistent overlooking of real justice in favor of corruption and greed has left us in a virtually irreparable situation and all indications say that we’re going down and a spectacular and dramatic (if not tragic for many) way.

For most of us there is precious little we can do about except to be forewarned and well prepared. Part of this preparation is the withdrawal of any capital fund we may have invested in the now crashing eco-nomic system. This means EVERYTHING, at ANY cost. PAY the taxes. Pay the fines, but by no means leave anything behind. This will prove to be your wisest move under the circumstances, as I’ll explain to you gradually.

As a result of the inevitable devaluation of the dollar, and as a result of 6,000 years of human history, the values of gold and silver are resurfacing in the common mind. Even though the big money people have for centuries known about this and been attempting to own it all, there is still sufficient to go around and secure the financial stability of those wise enough to extract there cash while they can and purchase therewith as much physical silver as possible at any current price. I have recommendations.

This is not something to think about and “consider your options”. This is the only option and I encourage you to do it right now! I hate to be the one breaking it to you, but I sincerely believe that if you agree with this, you can stay happy and secure as opposed to possibly disappointed and desperate.

That is the purpose of my newsletter: to inform you of current and past articles evidencing this current event and the necessity of taking action right now. Of course, if you have no invested savings then in a way you have nothing to lose and maybe no action is necessary. But you surely have friend to whom you can bring this news and help with the extraction of their funds and the purchase therewith of real wealth. You may ask, “Why silver? Why not Gold”? And I’m happy to explain why silver is estimated to be 4 times the investment potential of gold and that gold will always appreciate, but it has already boomed whereas silver has not. It has reached an increasing plateau, but silver has not yet. Silver is however destined to explode at any time due to a variety of reasons which I’ll try to enumerate in com-ing issues and which you can discover for yourself if you are interested and follow the leads I provide.

One of the shortest and most concise statements of position/attitude is called “Chimps, Chumps and Champs” by FOFOA. It can be found here. Another slightly longer and a bit more detailed is called “The Debtors and the Savers” and it can be found here.

I sincerely hope you enjoy these easily deletable daily missives and will stay with me towards a peaceful and secure outcome. Please feel free to call or discuss this with anyone. My only interest is yours and my personal security in what are undoubtedly going to be very tumultuous times.

This article along with the others will be posted in the archives section of my SilverNews web page, at

Lots of love and peace to you all

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