Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010; Wednesday, 12 pm

Thanks to you ALL for the many B'day greetings. I only wish for you that you are aware of the potential for loss of savings (yours and your parents/relatives/friends) if you still have investments of any kind anywhere. The price of Silver has just shot up considerably, and although it mat not be permanent, the pundits have been predicting this for so long now that we might actually say, "It's about time." But more than that, the powers that be have been reading the same blogs exposing their manipulation and predicting their downfall that there is no way they can't be aware of the true value of Gold and Silver and make a sudden and not so surreptitious run for it. And that may well be what's happening right this minute.

The true value of Gold and Silver is astronomical in terms of the lightning fall of the dollar. and those who know are doing something about it right now. And it's true that it is quite possible for Big Money to make such a run that it would leave precious little for the little guy (you and me).

So I urge you. READ from some of the sources on this page. The argument is inexorable. See what's happening right now by clicking on the Kitco Link. Get your savings free. Take the loss in fees, fines and taxes. What you invest now in Silver and if you can afford it, Gold, will pay off so well, even if it does dip again (which we hope it will, but don't wait), that you will not miss the fees you may have paid in 'losses'.

Please call me if you would like to expedite the matter quickly. I've got my fingers on the very best sources and have helped many of my local friends already. Let's get going, while the going is good.



Gold Demand Increases 36% as Investors Increase Allocations to Bullion

Silver and gold explosive, Hinde Capital's Ben Davies tells King World News Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2010-08-25 02:27. Section: Daily Dispatches; 10:15p ET Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Eric King of King World News today did a timely interview about gold and silver with Ben Davies, CEO of Hinde Capital in London. They discussed what Davies called the "fascinating" action in silver today, his expectation of price explosions this fall in both gold and silver, China's increasing leadership in the gold market, and the likelihood of currency devaluations, among other things. You can listen to the interview at the King World News Internet site linked above.

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