Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010; Friday, 11 am

The World Won't Flock to Paper
Here’s a hot one (especially the first two or so paragraphs) from the National Inflation Association, who by the way are leading the field in accurate reporting and predictions.

This one is a ‘must read’.
The Ecstasy of Empire: How Close Is America’s Demise?
“Without a revolution, Americans are history.” ~ by Paul Craig Roberts

And also from Global Research:
Mounting Opposition to GMO Crops: The World’s People Reject Genetic Pollution of Food and the Environment ~ by Rady Ananda

From Activist Post
Ben & Jerry's 'natural' ice cream filled with unnatural ingredients
“CSPI has been after Ben & Jerry's, which is now part of the consumer product conglomerate Unilever, since 2002 over deceptive labeling. After bringing these problems to the attention of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at that time, CSPI has watched the quality of Ben & Jerry's products get even worse.” Etc….

This one seems to be the BIG news:
Silver Velocity - The Coming Bullet
Ed Steer’s intro is enough: "Hinde Capital in London, whose CEO, Ben Davies, lately has thrown himself into the campaign to expose manipulation of the precious metals markets, published a long report this month on the excellent prospects for silver, citing the concentrated short position of the bullion banks and the work of silver market analyst Ted Butler.
“… it's a long report... a 12-page pdf file to be exact... with lots of graphs. It's a must read of course, but it's something you can pick away at on the weekend if you don't have the time at the moment."
It can also be found on

As always, Ed steer’s Daily is always worth the time:

That's it for today. Happy Reading

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