When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men... they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it. – Frederic Bastiat, The Law [1850]
What’s happening? Not much, but it is sooo much the calm before the storm.
While Silver is continuing its struggle to rise to its true value in spite of the continued efforts of ‘da boyz’ of JPMorgan and the big bullion banks to keep it down through the manipulation of their temporary dollar power (which, by the way, is to our advantage temporarily), it is becoming an increasingly popular theory that they cannot keep it up forever and are fighting a last ditch losing battle against the forces of nature during which they are attempting to buy as much as they can as cheap as they can (that should be the clue to us also) to shore themselves up against the upcoming and absolutely inevitable collapse of the American economy, which has seriously begun and the end of which is nowhere in sight.
In Summary:
We’re holding steady on our opinion that silver is about to boom and continuing to recommend the extraction of dollars from any system and the asap purchase of physical bullion in any quantities for personal possession while the price is still low.
Visit my SilverNews web page for reliable silver sellers, leading news sites and recommended reading. http://wwww.surrenderworks.com/silvernews
Here’s an interesting read…
How Press Censorship Hid the Shocking Truth About Nagasaki A-Bomb 65 Years Ago
Several Current articles on Before It’s News
And Activist Post is a Must View if you want to stay up-to-date on all the scary things that are happening. http://www.activistpost.com/
That’s it for now.
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