Quote for the day:
"So just remember one thing. Silver prices can double overnight, at anytime, and it's totally impossible to predict when it will happen. And yet, at some unexpected day out of the blue, silver prices will likely double, and nobody will understand why, except me, and you. Because we know that the silver market is just way too small, and prices just way too low." ~ Jason Hommel
Thought I’d let it go for a while, but over Saturday, Sunday and Monday I discovered these, and they’re worthy of your attention, Dear Reader.
On Youtube, a very short and concise explanation of what is happening and the argument for immediacy of action.
The End of Silver Manipulation
Discovered this one too.
History of the Meltdown - This whole website is a find.
And a Youtube preview of a Cannes Award winner yet to be released.
Inside Job
And a brilliant article written a few years back:
Physical Silver Yes, Speculation No! By Israel Friedman
Richard Russell - Fiat Money To Meet Its End - Highlights the biggest fraud of the last half a century and how it will end -
“Investors sometimes get caught up in the day to day and week to week movements in gold and silver. Don’t waste your time or energy on that, just accumulate. Standing in front of us is the greatest transfer of wealth in history. When the dust settles, those holding the gold will make the rules.”
An Interesting graph: Gold - The Big Picture
And finally for today, Jasom Hommel answers the question, "How can silver prices double at any time?" in his latest article: When Will Silver Prices Explode? (ANYTIME!) He says:
"The Tiny Silver Market attracts 1% of 1%, or $1 out of every $10,000 in the US Banking system, each year. By the time 1% of paper money tries to buy silver in one year, there will be 100 times as much investor buying of silver as today, which will be about $180 billion trying to buy only 750 million ounces of annual world production, which implies a silver price of about $240/oz., or perhaps higher."
That's it for the weekend
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