Friday, September 17, 2010

$21 might do it - JT

Good Friday AM Dear Reader,

From Ed Steer’s Daily, these headlines:
James Turk says $21 silver should be the trigger price for a price explosion. Sprott buys 6 tons of gold.

James Turk (KWN)- “Here We Go Again”
Gold is at new record highs in European trading and silver is attempting a move towards $21.  In an in-terview with King World News from Spain, James Turk stated, “While gold is moving higher, I am really focused on the $21 level in silver...”

Sprott buys 6 tons of gold.
And why should you care, you might ask? Sprott Physical Trust is one of the most respected of the “new” trusts. Not only is its founder respected but the principle upon which he founded this trust is considered to be the only truly sound principle for PM trusts in general. It requires a little study, but that’s the gist of it. That’s why Sprott is worth watching.

Also from a King World News (KWN) Interview…
Richard Russell, September 2010 “What we see here is one of the greatest, least loved, and least recognized primary bull markets in his-tory…. This great gold bull market is something that one sees maybe once or twice in a lifetime.”

And from Roger Mason’s Monthly Rant:
G/S ratio dropped from 65 to 61 - heading to 30 and then 15
     “The gold to silver ratio has fallen from 65 to 1 all the way to 61 to 1 in less than a month. This will fall to the traditional 15 to 1 ratio. This is why silver is four times better than gold. Buy silver, not gold. Look for possibly $6,000 gold and $400 silver….
     “We are going to have to sell our silver stocks because the best ones are in Mexico. You cannot invest in Central of South American countries like Peru and Chile. Mexico is bankrupt and under the control of the drug cartels. They are almost out of oil which is their biggest source of income. The peso will collapse. Tourism is dead. If drugs were legalized the cartels would disappear overnight and they could get their country back. This is why we are going to have to sell our silver stocks when the HUI to silver ratio improves to about 30 to 1. You can sell your silver stocks today if you want and buy bullion, but you'll be selling at a loss….
     “The Mexicans are considering full drug legalization to get their country back. Former president Vincente Fox is all for it. Current president Felipe Calderon wants to, but is afraid of the political backlash. Billionaire Ricado Pliego, who owns the media down there, is firmly behind it.  Another former president Ernesto Zedillo is behind this, and says the drug laws don't work. Simply legalizing all drugs (yes, cocaine and heroin) for adults would put an end to the cartels worldwide, the gangs, the violence, the murders, and the anarchy overnight. Drug use would not increase, as everyone who wants to use drugs is already using them. They are just paying more for them….
     “See you in October. Buy all the silver you can. When is the best time to buy silver? WHEN YOU HAVE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, that's when.”

If the idea of learning about all this piques your interest, visit my website. It might be a good place to start.


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